Oil Spills
Have you suffered losses after an oil spill?
The BP oil spill that recently occurred in the Gulf of Mexico can and will affect many local marine and other businesses, including fishing, oystering and shrimping. The effects of the oil spill could even cause damage to your home. If you have suffered any losses due to the recent oil spill or any oil spill, you should contact a Houston personal injury attorney at the firm immediately.
You may be able to recover compensation for the economic and non-economic losses that you have suffered. Some business have filed suit against BP already. If you are interested in speaking to an attorney about what type of compensation you may be able to obtain, contact the Doan Law Firm, P.C. The legal team can meet with you to discuss your options.
Oil Spill Claims - Recent BP/Transocean Oil Spill
According to recent news, there are an estimated 5,000 barrels of oil spilling from the sunken BP oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Though attempts are being made to contain the oil, predictions as to how effective they are cannot be made, as the damage has not yet reached its zenith. Coastline and maritime business owners, employees and residents could be facing more serious losses than can be foreseen
at this time.
The April 20, 2010 oil spill is about the size of the state of Maryland and, at the time of this writing, is drifting toward the coastline. Some consider that the effects of this spill could eventually have a worse environmental effect than Hurricane Katrina, and are working tirelessly to help protect the delicate coastline. Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama coastlines are expected to suffer. Unless actions taken to control the spill are speedy and effective, this BP disaster could end up being worse than the Exxon Valdez spill.

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