Why You Need an Amarillo Injury Lawyer After Your Accident
112 SW 8th Avenue, Suite 301
Amarillo, Texas 75219
(806) 590-0000
During the course of any given year, over 31 billion men, women, and children are admitted to hospital emergency departments annually in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some of these individuals suffer severe injuries. About 137,000 people die from accident injuries each year.
The Doan Law Firm Amarillo injury lawyer team fights for people like you who have suffered injuries because of the negligence of someone else. Each year we work tirelessly for people from all walks of life who have faced serious challenges after suffering accidental injuries.
Our Amarillo injury lawyer hotline at (806) 590-0000 is open right now. You can call our firm any time day or not to schedule a consultation with an Amarillo injury lawyer from our experience legal team.
Proper Investigation of Your Accident
Ideally, in the immediate aftermath of your accident, the scene itself is documented in a number of crucial ways. These include:
- videos or photos of accident scene from all angles
- videos or photos of injuries
- identification of all witnesses
- contact information for all witnesses
- statements from all witnesses
- name and contact information of all parties to accident
- insurance information from potentially responsible parties
- police report
The reality is that in many cases, all of the necessary evidence is not collected at the time of the accident. Odds are, with your injuries, you had other matters to tend to beyond collection names, witness statements, and videos.
The collection of solid, reliable evidence is crucial to making a claim or pursuing a lawsuit after an accident. There must be a thorough, comprehensive investigation undertaken by someone with your interests in mind. Although the insurance company will pursue an investigation, it will not have your best interests as a primary objective.
A skilled, experienced Amarillo injury lawyer from The Doan Law Firm has the background and resources necessary to launch and pursue an appropriate investigation of your case. Having represented numerous accident victims just like you, we fully understand what must be done to garner the evidence necessary to make a strong claim for the financial recovery you deserve.
As a nationwide law firm, we have an abundance of resources of different types that many merely local firms do not have. These include resources that are invaluable in the investigation of an accident case.
Taking on an Insurance Company with an Amarillo Injury Lawyer
Insurance companies are in business for one reason, and for one reason only. Insurance companies operate to make money for their shareholders, to line the pockets of their executives. One of the strategies insurance companies employ is to limit the amount of money paid out in claims to injured people like you. The less money paid out to injured people, the more money insurance companies make each year for their shareholders.
An Amarillo injury lawyer from The Doan Law Firm has the skill, strength, and tenacity to take on the most obstinate of insurance companies. Our legal team understands the strategies necessary to take on an insurance company when it comes to getting justice and money for you.
Maximizing Compensation in Your Amarillo Accident Case
Another reason why you need a skilled Amarillo injury lawyer is to maximize compensation in your case. Each case is different when it comes to the nature and types of losses for which financial recovery is a must.
With that said, an Amarillo injury lawyer will strive to ensure you obtain comprehensive compensation in your case for losses that include:
- pain and suffering
- medical bills and expenses
- mental anguish and emotional distress
- permanent injury
- permanent disfigurement
- lost income
- property damage and loss
Maximizing your compensation is a key goal for us. For example, in a lawsuit, we can seek what are known as punitive damages on your behalf. Punitive damages represent additional compensation to you in your case when the conduct of the party who caused the accident is deemed particularly reckless.
Punitive damages have multiple functions. In addition to providing out with additional money, they also serve to punish the party that caused the accident for particularly egregious conduct.
Hire an Amarillo Injury Lawyer from The Doan Law Firm Today
Call The Doan Law Firm Amarillo injury lawyer hotline today at (806) 590-0000 to schedule an initial consultation. Our hotline is open every day of the year, around the clock, even on major holidays.
During an initial consultation, an Amarillo injury lawyer will provide you a case evaluation. Our firm never charges a fee for an initial consultation with an Amarillo injury lawyer.

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