Anaheim Sexual Abuse Lawyer
Fight for the Rights of California Sex Abuse Victims
“As a survivor of sexual abuse, sexual assault, or sexual harassment, you may have reached a point in your own journey where you want to seek justice and accountability from the perpetrator. You may have found that there are limitations in the criminal justice system when it comes to accountability, let alone justice, in a case involving sexual abuse. The Doan Law Firm Anaheim sexual abuse lawyer team is here for you today or whenever you feel comfortable reaching out. You can connect with our firm any time of the day or night by calling us at (714) 912-0000.”
Jimmy Doan
Founder & President The Doan Law Firm Anaheim, CaliforniaCompassion, Confidentiality, and Powerful Representation
The Doan Law Firm Anaheim Sexual Abuse Attorney team has extensive experience representing survivors. Through this experience and commitment to the rights of survivors, our attorneys have the background necessary to fight for the rights of people in need of legal assistance.
- Compassion. Our legal team appreciates the challenges faced by survivors. In addition to being adept in the legal arena, we have compassion for the needs, goals, and objectives of our clients.
- Confidentiality. Privacy is a paramount concern for the team at The Doan Law Firm. We scrupulously maintain the confidences of our survivor clients.
- Power representation. The legal team at the has the background and tenacity necessary to fight for your rights as a survivor. We work tirelessly for justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve.
Limited Three-Year Window Open to Sexual Abuse Survivors of Any Age to File Lawsuit
California law has been amended to permit adults to allows adults of any age a period of three years beginning on January 1, 2020, to file a lawsuit seeking accountability and compensation associated with child sexual abuse. This window is open no matter how long ago the incident occurred, but only for that three-year period of time
Time is running. Because of this unique opportunity to seek justice, accountability, and compensation, if you were sexually abused or sexually assaulted as a child, you are wise to seek legal counsel as soon as possible.
You can arrange an appointment with an experienced, dedicated Oakland sexual abuse lawyer right now by calling The Doan Law Firm at (714) 912-0000. You cannot wait, anticipating that the period to file a California sexual abuse lawsuit will be extended beyond the window that opened at the beginning of 2020. Our phone line is staffed around the clock each and every day of the year.
Justice, Accountability, and Compensation in a California Sexual Abuse Case
The nature and extent of compensation that might be available to you in an Anaheim sexual abuse case depends upon the underlying facts and circumstances. With that said, The Doan Law Firm is dedicated to ensuring that you obtain justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve from all responsible parties.
Schedule an Initial Consultation with an Anaheim Sexual Abuse Lawyer Today
The first step on the path to justice and accountability is to schedule an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm Anaheim sexual abuse lawyer. You can connect with our firm right now or at any time that is convenient for you by calling us at (714) 912-0000. Our Anaheim sexual abuse lawyer telephone line is staffed around the clock, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, including all major holidays.
We can schedule an initial consultation with you at our offices located at:
The Doan Law Firm
2400 East Katella Suite 800 Anaheim, California 92806We can also arrange an appointment at your home or any other location at which you are comfortable. A virtual case consult is available online as well. There is never a charge for an initial consultation and case evaluation with an Anaheim sexual abuse lawyer from our firm.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney pledge to you. Our firm never charges an attorney fee in an Anaheim sexual abuse case unless we win for our client. The Doan Law Firm Anaheim sexual abuse attorney team is committed to fight hard for you to obtain justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve in your case.

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