Buffalo, NY Truck Accident Lawyer
50 Fountain Plaza Suite 1400
Buffalo, New York 14202
(716) 703-0000
At some point, practically everything in our homes was transported by the trucking industry. If we take a trip to the supermarket, we find that everything on the shelves was moved by a truck at some time or another. Even the tires on our car, the fuel to power that car, and even the pavement on the highway were delivered by truck.
Considering the importance of trucking in our daily lives, it becomes easier to understand the number of trucks we encounter on the roads. We can also understand that, given such large numbers, the law of averages predicts that each of us have a good chance of being involved in a trucking accident.
On this page, a Buffalo truck accident lawyer will provide an overview of how many trucking accidents occur and then offer suggestions on how a trucking accident victim could proceed with filing a lawsuit against a trucking company.
Truck Accidents are Rarely Due to a Single Cause
The typical big-rig is a very complicated machine that, at times, seems to take on a life of its own. Its fuel system and engine are computer-controlled; the pressure in its tires monitored electronically; its location is reported by satellite, and its bills are paid through electronic banking. In fact, the typical truck driver’s job is more of monitoring the truck’s components and then making sure that the truck arrives at its destination on time.
Given this complexity, we shouldn’t be surprised to learn that most accidents involving trucks are due to a relatively small number of conditions:
- tire failure
- braking system malfunction
- road and weather conditions
- distracted or tired driver
- driving too fast for road and/or weather conditions
Note that, except for the driver, problems with each of these components are usually preventable with proper maintenance and regular inspections. As for the driver, the best-maintained truck on the road becomes dangerous when the driver is careless.
Points to Remember in Truck Accident Cases
The main point of any trucking accident case is the fact, as mentioned above, that most accidents are due to a combination of factors that, taken separately, were not enough to cause an accident. It was only when taken as occurring together that the accident happened. In truck accident cases, the whole is quite often much greater than the sum of its parts!
A second point you should consider is that although there is a great amount of trucking traffic in the Buffalo area, most of these trucks are operated by companies whose headquarters are located outside the State of New York. This means that in case of an accident you will be dealing with lawyers and insurance companies that know very little about the Buffalo / Upstate section of New York and thus will likely not understand what a fair settlement of your injury claim should be.
Finally, always remember that you only have a limited time frame during which a truck accident lawsuit must be filed or you run a very significant risk of losing your legal right to compensation for your losses. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, this time frame can be as short as two years from the date of the accident. By consulting a Buffalo truck accident lawyer, you can be sure that any legal deadlines will be met well in advance of their last dates.
Let the Doan Law Firm Manage Your Buffalo Truck Accident Case
As you have seen, truck accident cases often involve multiple issues that can be misleading when it comes to establishing liability for damages. In fact, it is rare to find a single issue that completely explains how and why an accident occurred. Due to the complicated nature of these accidents, anyone injured in a trucking accident should seek the advice of an experienced truck accident lawyer as soon as possible after their injury.
In the Buffalo / Upstate area, the truck accident lawyer at the Doan Law Firm has the training and experience necessary to investigate, prepare, and present your truck accident injury case to a court of law or to act as your representative in settlement negotiations.
When you contact our truck accident lawyer, you first consultation is always free of all charges and you are always free to decide if we should be your representative in court. If you decide that we should act as your attorney, we never ask for you to bear any of the costs associated with the preparation of your case. We are always willing to assume all costs related to your case in exchange for a percentage of the settlement we will win for you when your case is finally closed.

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