California Coach Sexual Abuse and Your Legal Rights
California coach sexual abuse cases theoretically can be addressed through the criminal or civil justice systems. Indeed, a California coach sexual abuse case can be adjudicated through both the criminal and civil court systems. If you are an adult who was sexually victimized by a coach while a child, or if you are a parent who has a son or daughter that has been sexually abused or assaulted by a coach, you can learn more about California law and your rights by scheduling a confidential initial consultation with the caring, experienced legal team at The Doan Law Firm. You can reach our firm now or at any time of the day or night by calling us at (800) 349-0000.
California Coach Sexual Abuse of a Child
The incidence of the sexual abuse of children by coaches is insidious and occurs with alarming frequency. This includes coach sexual abuse perpetrated on high school, middle school, and even elementary school children in California.
California Coach Sexual Abuse of a College Student
With alarming regularity, college students are being sexually abused by coaches as well as other staff members of athletic departments. If you or your child have been sexually abused by a coach of other member of a school’s athletic department while a college student, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm at (800) 349-0000 can explain your legal rights.
The attorneys at our firm have significant backgrounds in fighting for the rights of California college students who have been subjected to coach sexual abuse. We fight for justice even in those situations in which college or university administrators and even law enforcement and criminal prosecutors have dropped the ball.
California Assembly Bill 218 and Your Rights as a Sexual Abuse Survivor
Recently, the California Legislature passed into law Assembly Bill 218, which was signed by the Governor. California Assembly Bill significantly expands the time period during which a child survivor of sexual abuse is able to file a lawsuit against a perpetrator and other responsible parties. A person can now file a lawsuit based on an allegation of child sexual abuse 22 years from the date of reaching majority, which typically would be on a person’s 40th birthday.
Hire a Caring, Experienced California Coach Sexual Abuse Lawyer to Fight for You
The first step to get a caring, compassionate, dedicated California coach sexual abuse lawyer in your corner is to schedule an initial consultation with the legal team at The Doan Law Firm. You can reach our firm any time of the day or night by calling up at (800) 349-0000. Our California coach sexual abuse attorney hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, including all major holidays. We know that when you have made the decision to seek legal assistance as a survivor of sexual abuse that time is of the essence.
A nationwide law practice, The Doan Law Firm has nine offices located across the state of California. We can schedule a confidential initial consultation with a trusted California coach sexual abuse lawyer at any one of our offices. You can schedule an appointment through our sexual abuse attorney hotline at (800) 349-000 or by calling one of our offices most convenient to you at:
- Anaheim – (714) 912-0000
- Irvine – (949) 438-0000
- Los Angeles – (424) 334-0000
- Oakland – (510) 925-0000
- Riverside – (951) 335-0000
- Sacramento – (916) 507-0000
- San Diego – (760) 991-0000
- San Francisco – (669) 228-0000
- San Jose – (415) 991-0000
An appointment with an experienced Doan Law Firm California coach sexual assault lawyer can also be arranged at your home or any other location that is most comfortable for you. A virtual consultation and case evaluation with a California coach sexual assault attorney can be scheduled online. There is never a charge for an initial consultation and case evaluation with a Doan Law Firm California coach sexual abuse lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. Our firm will never charge an attorney fee in your case unless we win for you. Our California coach sexual abuse lawyer team is committed to fight tirelessly to obtain justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve in your case.

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