Colorado Springs Truck Accident Lawyer
1755 Telstar Drive, Suite 300
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920
(719) 822-0000
Colorado Springs sits at the intersection of several major highways and Interstate 25, the principle north-south highway of the Rocky Mountain states. Because of its location, Colorado Springs sees a high level of commercial trucking activity that becomes even heavier with farm vehicle traffic in the fall harvest months. Because of these factors, it is inevitable that truck-related accidents will occur.
When a truck accident occurs, it is always best to be represented by an attorney who has experience in managing truck accident lawsuits. In Colorado Springs, the truck accident lawyer at the Doan Law Firm is ready to assist you with your accidental injury claim.
Collecting Damages After a Truck Accident
Due to their size, truck accidents often involve serious injuries and extensive damage to property. After such accidents, the injured party is entitled to sue to recover damages suffered as a result of that accident.
Damages that may be awarded to an injured party after a truck accident include:
- Medical expenses
- Lost income
- Replacement or repair of the accident victim's automobile or other vehicle
- Replacement or repair of damaged personal or real (immovable, such as a house or a building on private land) property
- Funeral and related legal expenses (probate costs) if an injury results in a death
In many cases, damages caused by commercial trucking accidents are obviously the fault of the truck's operator and liability is not disputed. What is often a point of disagreement is the amount of damages that are to be paid and it is this disagreement that often leads to a lawsuit.
Time Limits for Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Colorado
In you are injured in a truck accident, or have damage to your private property that is caused by a truck accident, you should be aware that the State of Colorado has placed time limits on the filing of civil (non-criminal) lawsuits that seek to recover compensation for damages.
In general, these time limits are:
- Personal injury: 3 years from the date of injury if the injury occurred from the use or operation of a motor vehicle, otherwise 2 years from the date of injury.
- Damage to personal property: if the damage was caused by the use or operation of a motor vehicle, 3 years from the date the damage occurred.
- Wrongful death: 2 years from the date of death
There are some exceptions to these time limits, but such exceptions are very technical and must be discussed with a personal injury attorney.
Why You Need a Colorado Springs Truck Accident Lawyer
Lawsuits involving commercial trucking operations tend to be more complex that other personal injury / property damage claims because there is a good chance that the truck's owner is in a state other than Colorado and that the truck is registered out-of-state as well. In these cases, claims for damages are usually handled by the trucking company's insurance carrier.
In any accident case, it is important to remember that "fault" and "liability" mean two different things. "Fault" is usually obvious from witness statements and accident reports while "liability" (responsibility) must often be decided by a jury. As an example, a truck may be unable to stop in time to avoid striking an automobile. The truck and driver may be obviously at fault, but the question of why the truck could not stop could be explained by a brake failure or some other mechanical problem. In such cases, other parties whose products may have failed are also responsible and thus share in the liability for the accident.
The Colorado Springs truck accident lawyer at the Doan Law Firm has handled many truck accident cases and is experienced in conducting in-depth accident investigations that have led to the identification of other, previously unsuspected, problems and defects that contributed to an accident.
When you contact the Colorado Springs truck accident lawyer at the Doan law Firm, your injury claim is evaluated by an experienced accident attorney. If our lawyer feels that you have a valid injury claim, we will offer to represent you and to cover any necessary expenses related to the pre-trial investigation and preparation of your case in exchange for a previously agreed-to percentage of your final settlement.
If you were injured in a trucking accident, do not agree to an insurance company's settlement offer until you speak with the truck accident lawyer at the Doan law Firm!

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