Corpus Christi Car Accident Lawyer
710 Buffalo, Suite 802
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Call (361) 371-0000
Car accidents are some of the most frustrating and daunting interruptions
one can have in a day. When the accident occurs, it results in, at minimum,
a long wait while police obtain a thorough report and the inconvenience
of having the vehicle repaired. However, accidents can quickly escalate
to include hospital stays, permanent disability and even death. Regardless
of the severity, a car accident can eat up substantial time and money.
Liability insurance is intended to cover the damages of car accident victims,
but getting the full amount to which you are entitled is rarely straightforward.
As such, you need representation when accidents occur.
Corpus Christi, Texas is the eighth largest city in the state. As such,
car accidents on the major highways can quickly escalate into major pile-ups.
Often, these accidents are caused by driver error or weather conditions,
and it is often possible to trace the cause to aggressive driving. In
2013, there were nineteen fatal car accidents involving a total of twenty-five
vehicles in the Corpus Christi area, with nine involving drunk drivers.
Such accidents clearly cause far more damage than just the damage to the
vehicle, and liability insurance is intended to cover for all such damages.
One recent car accident near Skidmore involved eighteen vehicles on highway
181. In such large scale accidents, finding the motorist at fault becomes
more complicated than in two-car incidents. It’s believed that heavy
fog played a part in the accident. As a result, the accident occurred
at a low speed and fortunately resulted in only minor injuries. Determining
who was at fault in this accident required a lengthy investigation by
the police, and each driver would have been wise to seek representation
in order to ensure that their experience of the accident was taken into
account. Once fault is determined, the next step is to pursue an award
from the insurance company of the faulted individual, and this is where
representation becomes vital.
When a car accident occurs, damage to the vehicle is what most people think
of when they consider the damages caused in the accident. A liability
insurance company knows this, and will often offer to pay for such repairs
in the form of a settlement. However, these settlements rarely factor
in the full scope of damages to which an accident victim is entitled.
The true extent of the damages in a car accident do not stop at the vehicle
itself, but also include a number of other different factors. Loss of
wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering and loss of companionship
are all possible damages inflicted depending on the nature of the accident,
and most initial settlements will ignore all of these aspects.
Perhaps the most pressing thing to remember is that damage suffered by
a person in a car accident is also covered by the liability insurance
that the person at fault is required by law to carry. This means that
any medical expenses incurred, any disabilities that were caused by the
accident and any trauma that the accident caused are damages that are
liable to be paid by the insurance company. Clearly, the initial settlement
will not cover all of these aspects in anything more than a mild fender bender.
This is where a car accident attorney can help. By working with car accident
victims soon after the accident, a case file can be assimilated that ensures
that the full extent of the damages is uncovered, proved, and demonstrated.
Furthermore, punitive damages can sometimes be sought in circumstances
where the person at fault can be proved to have been in the process of
breaking the law at the time of the accident. Regardless of the nature
of the accident, however, car accident victims are entitled to full restoration
of any financial loss incurred by the accident. An attorney ensures that
victims receive the full amount.
If you or a loved one have recently been involved in a car accident, the
worst thing you can do is wait to obtain representation. The Doan Law
Firm offers a free, no obligation consultation in order to answer your
most pressing questions and to help you understand your best path forward
and the extent of the damages to which you are entitled. The Doan Law
Firm operates on a contingency basis, which means that you will never
owe us a dime directly. Instead, our fee is deducted from the award you
receive as a result of a successful case.
Let us help you get your life back on track after a car accident in Corpus Christi
Our attorneys are available all day, every day, including holidays to discuss your case and to set up an initial consultation. Don’t let the insurance company leave you with a substantial financial setback on account of a car accident. Call our 24-hour hotline today to start your claim.

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