Dallas Amusement Park Accident Lawyer
2911 Turtle Creek Blvd. Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75219
Call (214) 307-0000
For both families and individuals, the Dallas – Fort Worth area has no shortage of theme parks, amusement parks, and even temporary parks such as those found at county or state fairs. Sadly, there are times when what began as an afternoon or evening of fun becomes a tragedy when a family member or even ourselves is seriously injured in an accident.
Someone once remarked that amusement parks are an accident waiting to happen. This is actually a pretty good assessment when you consider the types of rides and other attractions that are found in theme and amusement parks.
Federal and state statistics reveal that when you visit a theme or amusement park you are most likely to be injured by:
- roller coasters
- water slides
- bumper cars
- whirling and spinning rides
- a slip and fall accident
The actual number and types of injuries at amusement and theme parks is hard to document because the federal agencies that monitor such injuries require that only injuries requiring a visit to an emergency room need be reported.
According to various sources, including the federal government’s Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the most common injuries occurring at these locations are:
- deaths that result from being thrown from a ride
- head, neck, and back injuries on rides that subject the rider to sudden, violent, changes in direction (e.g. roller coasters, bumper cars, and spinning rides)
- traumatic brain injuries caused by rapid changes in G-forces
- cuts, bruises, and fractures from falls
It is also worth noting that injuries are more likely to occur at locations that temporary amusement sites such as those sponsored by shopping centers, schools, or churches.
Liability for Injuries at Amusement Parks
In amusement park accident injuries, the law is clearly on the side of the person who was injured because he or she can bring a lawsuit alleging 1) negligence by the park and its employees, 2) a defective design of a ride lead to an injury, or 3) both the park and the manufacturer of a ride were negligent.
The amusement park has a responsibility to maintain safe premises in all areas that a visitor might enter, either intentionally or by human error, from the parking lot to the restrooms. It is also responsible for the actions of its employees.
A ride’s manufacturer can be liable for any design flaws such as restraints that prevent a rider from standing or otherwise allowing a rider to get into a position that could lead to a rider’s injuries.
Some injuries can be traced to negligence on the part of an employee of the park and a ride’s manufacturer, such as when an employee fails to make sure that a rider is properly restrained on roller coaster because a seat belt is known to be difficult to snap closed.
Contacting a Dallas Amusement Park Injury Lawyer
Under Texas law, a lawsuit for personal injuries must be filed within two years of the date of injury or risk being dismissed.
Amusement park accident injuries tend to be more serious because they usually involve the victim being subjected to considerable physical stress from the ride itself. These injuries will also involve longer times spent in disability and in rehabilitation.
If you, or a family member, have been injured in an amusement park accident and you feel that the settlement that you have been offered is not fair compensation for your injury, you should contact the Dallas amusement park accident lawyer at the Doan Law Firm to arrange a free consultation concerning your injury and the legal options available to you.
When you contact the Dallas amusement park injury lawyer at the Doan Law Firm by calling (214) 307-0000, your initial consultation is always free and does not place you under any obligation to retain our firm to manage your amusement park accident case. Should you decide to have us represent you, we never ask you for any fees or other costs. Instead, we will take on all the responsibility for all costs that are necessary for us to win your case in return for an agreed-to percentage of your final settlement.
Amusement park accidents can lead to serious injuries and even disability. To protect your legal right to compensation for your injury, contact the Dallas amusement park injury attorney at the Doan Law Firm today!

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