Dallas Semi-Truck Accident Lawyers
2911 Turtle Creek Blvd. Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75219
Call (214) 307-0000
Approximately 16,000 semi-truck accidents occur in Texas each year, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. Of that number, about 300 people are killed in Texas semi-truck accidents annually and another 2,500 people are seriously injured. Due to the frequency of these types of accidents, The Doan Law Firm Dallas Truck Accident Lawyer Hotline at (217) 307-0000 has been established to assist people who have been involved in a semi collision.
The semi-truck accident rate is consistent with what occurs across the United States. About a half a million commercial truck accidents occur annually in the United States. 5,000 people are killed in commercial truck accidents. On average, approximately 130,000 are injured in semi accidents.
Who Is Responsible for a Dallas Truck Accident?
A major consideration when a Dallas truck accident occurs is determining what party or parties are responsible for the incident. The reality is that in most semi accidents, more than one party is responsible for causing the accident in the first instance. Identifying all of the parties responsible for causing a truck accident can prove to be a challenging task. Because of the complexities inherent in a semi accident case, you best protect your legal interests by engaging the services of a skilled, tenacious, and experienced Dallas truck accident lawyer. Examples of parties typically deemed responsible for a commercial truck collision include a big rig operator.
Common reasons why a semi driver may be considered negligent and responsible for causing an accident include:
- Distracted driving (talking on the phone)
- Impaired driving (operating a rig while drunk)
- Reckless driving (like speeding in a school zone)
- Speeding
- Improper lane change
There is an array of other types of conduct by a driver that cause accidents for which a rig operator bears legal responsibility.
The trucking company is also likely to be a responsible party when it comes to a semi-truck accident. Legally speaking, an employer is responsible for injuries caused by an employee that occur during the course of employment.
Other parties responsible for a Dallas truck accident include:
- Semi maintenance provider
- Truck manufacturer
- Truck parts manufacturer
An example of a semi-truck accident can explain how multiple parties can be responsible for the incident and resulting injuries, damages, and losses. A semi-truck motoring in Dallas has a part that malfunctions. The malfunction will result in the truck running off course if it is not slowed down in a timely manner. Unfortunately, at the time of the malfunction the big rig operator is distracted by talking on his phone. In such a scenario, the driver, trucking company, parts manufacturer, and truck manufacturer are all likely to be parties that share in responsibility for the semi-truck accident.
A case involving multiple responsible parties typically necessitates pursuing claims with different insurance companies. A well-trained and tenacious Dallas truck accident lawyer is in the best position to effectively pursue these types claims. In addition, if the need arises, a skilled lawyer has the background and resources necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit against multiple responsible parties.
What to Do After a Truck Accident
The steps you take immediately after being in a serious truck accident can dramatically change the outcome of your truck accident claim later on. Not only are those moments the times to call for emergency medical attention, but they are also important moments to collect useful evidence. Let our Dallas truck accident attorneys know if you were able to get any proof of liability at the scene of your crash because you followed the right steps to take afterward.
Immediately after a truck accident, you should:
- Ensure you are unharmed and then check on others if you can.
- Call 911 if anyone is seriously injured or if there is debris from the crash in the road.
- Record the truck driver’s name, commercial driver’s license (CDL) number, and insurance information.
- Jot down a description of the truck, including carrier, license plate number, and the trailer number.
- When the police arrive, provide the responding officers with a brief explanation of what happened. Write down their badge and report number to give to your attorney later.
- Photograph the truck accident scene thoroughly, including multiple angles of vehicle damage, injuries, nearby street signs and traffic, and weather conditions.
- Seek medical attention as soon as necessary. If you are seriously injured, you should not refuse the care of EMTs or a trip to the emergency room if that is recommended. If you are not treated on the scene or taken to the hospital in an ambulance, then you still need to go to an urgent care facility shortly after the accident for a check-up.
- Contact a Dallas truck accident attorney once you have seen a medical professional and received the care that you require.
- Do not give any recorded statements to the truck driver’s insurance company. Never sign anything without your lawyer’s approval.
Justice in a Dallas Truck Accident Case
Obtaining justice in a Dallas truck accident case is best accomplished with the professional assistance of a committed, compassionate Doan Law Firm personal injury lawyer. We are a nationwide law firm, headquartered right here in Texas. As a result, we have the resources of a national law firm and yet the personal connection with our clients of a local law office.
A member of our legal team will fight to get justice for you and the compensation you deserve. This includes money to cover injuries and losses like:
- Pain and suffering
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Permanent disability
- Permanent disfigurement
- Mental anguish and emotional distress
A Doan Law Firm Dallas truck accident lawyer can meet with you whenever you desire. You can schedule an initial consultation by calling (214) 307-0000. The line is in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including all major holidays.
During an initial consultation a personal injury attorney from our firm will provide an evaluation of your case. You can also get answers to all of the questions you have about your case. There is no obligation, and no cost for an initial consultation.

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