Colorado Car Accident Lawyer
999 18th Street, Suite 3000
Denver, CO 80202
Call (720) 744-0000
When car accidents occur, the first reaction of many is to establish that
no injuries have occurred, to exchange insurance information and to resolve
the incident as quickly as possible. For some, this means not calling
the police to obtain a full report. While it saves time to exchange information
in this manner, it can cause problems down the line. Even in a fender
bender, one of the roles of police is to establish fault, and a police
report is often favored by insurance companies for their presumed impartiality.
When a car accident occurs, whether minor or severe, a car accident attorney
can ensure that you receive the full damages to which you are entitled.
Denver is the 21st most populous city in the country, and also has the
distinction of being one of the better large cities in terms of traffic
accidents, with incidents per capita being slightly lower than the national
average, according to a 2011 report. However, this still amounts to thirty-seven
fatal car accidents in 2013 involving fifty-seven vehicles. Forty people
died in these accidents, and sixteen of the accidents involved at least
one drunken person. Like in other parts of the country, drunk driving
is one of the leading causes of fatal accidents in the area. Other causes
for accidents include inclement weather and driver error.
Road rage is another culprit in many accidents in the Denver area, and
one recent string of accidents are believed to have been caused by one
motorist’s anger. These accidents happened as a direct result of
a shooting that is believed to have occurred as a result of road rage.
The shots hit a silver SUV, and the driver stopped, causing another vehicle
to rear-end her. A third car wound up adding to the pile-up. The suspected
shooter also wound up in an accident while heading the wrong way on Parker
Road. While it is easy to ascertain the shooter as the reason that the
accident and to fault him for the accident, damages in this case could
be hard earned from his liability insurance company because he was not
operating a motor vehicle when the first accidents were caused.
This is a perfect example of an accident where those involved particularly
need representation. Those involved in the accidents were reported as
having sustained non-life-threatening injuries, and the shooter has been
arrested after having been medically cleared. The shooter has certainly
committed a crime, and will repay his debt to society. However, there
is the civil side of the issue to consider, as well. Those who sustained
injuries and whose cars sustained damage are entitled to full financial
recovery for these damages. Furthermore, because the shooter was committing
several crimes that resulted in these accidents, there is a high likelihood
of punitive damages being awarded.
Liability insurance companies almost always get involved in car accident
settlements because liability insurance is mandated to varying degrees
in every state. This benefits the average citizen because it ensures that
there is someone to pay the damages when an accident occurs. When the
liability insurance company knows that their client has been proven at
fault for an accident, various actuarial tables are consulted and an initial
settlement is offered to each other driver involved in the accident.
This initial settlement rarely factors in all elements of the accident.
In fact, the only sort of accident that might possibly have full damages
awarded in the settlement is one where no injuries were sustained by any
party involved. Injuries sustained in the accident are rarely fully accounted
for in the insurance company’s settlement, which means that you
need representation if you are injured in a car accident that is not your fault.
Good legal representation can ensure that you receive the full damages to which you are entitled, including:
- Auto repair
- Medical expenses
- Pain and suffering
- Wrongful death (in fatal accidents)
- Wage loss
When you are involved in a car accident that is not your fault, call The Doan Law Firm to schedule your free consultation
If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident, you should not hesitate to seek legal representation. Legal representation early in the process will ensure that you are well informed and can build the strongest case and ensure the best outcome possible. Attorneys at The Doan Law Firm are available all day, every day, including holidays, to provide the representation that you need to maximize your reward. The Doan Law Firm operates on a contingency basis, meaning that you don’t pay a dime directly—our fees come out of the final award. We offer free initial consultations so that you can have your questions answered about the case and understand the best way forward.

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