Maximize Your Compensation with a Tenacious Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney
A key benefit of retaining an experienced personal injury attorney is the maximization of compensation in your accident case. The types of compensation to which you are entitled is contingent upon the facts and circumstances of your case. With that noted, there are some specific types of injuries, damages, and losses that typically give rise to compensation in a California personal injury case.
These include:
- medical bills and expenses
- pain and suffering
- emotional distress
- physical disability
- lost wages
A skilled California personal injury attorney will ensure that you obtain not only compensation for current or existing injuries, damages, and losses. Rather, an experienced personal injury lawyer, like an attorney at The Doan Law Firm, fights to ensure that you obtain appropriate compensation for future losses.
The reality is that if you are involved in an accident, you very well may require medical treatment into the future. You may experience pain and suffering for an indefinite period of time. You may not be able to return to your position of employment on a fulltime basis for longer than you initially anticipated. Your California personal injury lawyer strives to make sure you are covered in this regard as well.
Legal Fees in a Personal Injury Case
The Doan Law Firm utilizes what is known as a contingency fee agreement, when it comes to Los Angeles personal injury cases. Through a contingency fee contract, you do not pay any fee upfront. You do not pay a fee on an hourly basis. You only pay a fee to the firm if a personal injury attorney obtains a settlement or judgment in your favor.
The Doan Law Firm and a client agree on the fee during the process of an injured person retaining an attorney in the first instance. The fee is an agreed-to percentage of any settlement or judgment in that injured individual's case.
The American Bar Association has tracked compensation paid to injured people with and without legal representation. Time and again, those individuals with attorneys end up with more money in their pockets at the conclusion of a case, even when attorney fees are taking into consideration.

$18 Million Chemical Plant Explosion Death
$357 Million Workplace Injury
$11.6 Million Industrial Accident
Schedule an Initial Consultation with a Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer
The first step in retaining the services of a Los Angeles personal injury attorney at The Doan Law Firm is an initial consultation. An initial consultation can be scheduled by telephoning The Doan Law Firm at 424-334-0000. Our personal injury hotline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including all major holidays.
During an initial consultation, a member of The Doan Law Firm legal team will provide you with an evaluation of your personal injury case. In addition, a personal injury attorney from our firm will answer any and all questions about your case. There is no charge for an initial consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer from our firm.
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