Proving Your Los Angeles Truck Accident Case
12100 Wilshire Boulevard, 8th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90025
A typical Los Angeles truck accident can result in horrific injuries and significant losses. In order to obtain the compensation to which you are entitled, it is vital that you prove all of the legal elements of your case.
The best way to ensure that you meet all of the legal requirements to obtain the compensation you need is to retain a skilled Los Angeles truck accident lawyer, like a member of the experienced legal team at The Doan Law Firm at 424-334-0000.
Doing Battle with the Insurance Company
Insurance companies are in business for one reason and one reason only. They exist to make money. Insurance companies make more money when the pay less money on claims. In the end, it is a matter of simple math. Less money out to injured people like you, more money into the pockets of wealthy insurance company executives and stockholders.
Because of this reality, insurance companies engage in a wide array of dilatory strategies to prevent an injured person like you from getting the appropriate amount of compensation. This reality underscores the reason why you need a capable, experienced and tenacious Los Angeles truck accident attorney on your side when pursuing a claim for compensation with an insurance company.
Duty of Care
The legal term duty of care is a legal phrase you will hear when involved in pursuing a claim for compensation associated with a Los Angeles truck accident case. Duty of care is a fancy way of saying that the operator of a semi-truck, and other individual or entity associated with that operation, are obligated to other motorists to ensure the rig is run in a reasonably safe manner.
The duty of care owed to other motorists is breached or broken when the driver or others associated with the truck fail to exercise reasonable care. For example, a driver breaches his duty to exercise reasonable care is he or she operates a rig while intoxicated. An owner breaches the duty of care if proper maintenance on the rig is not provided.
An experienced attorney at The Doan Law Firm, which can be reached at 424-334-000 can explain all relevant legal concepts to you. This type of tutorial usually is part of an initial consultation with a Los Angeles truck accident attorney.
Proximate Cause
Another legal element of a Los Angeles truck accident case is what is known as proximate cause. In basic terms, proximate cause means that the negligence of the driver, or some other person or entity, actually resulted in the accident that caused the injuries you sustained. There must be a connection.
Demonstrating Losses
In the aftermath of a truck accident, you also must demonstrate that you suffered actual losses as a result of the accident. In most cases involving a collision with a truck, a person endures extensive injuries and significant property loss.
Examples of losses in a semi-truck accident case include medical bills and expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering. These losses are not limited to what you experience at the present time. You likely will face future losses in all three of these categories as well, losses for which you are entitled to compensation.
Statute of Limitations
Part of making your case is ensuring that you do it in a timely manner. In California, there is a law on the books called the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations establishes a specific deadline by which you must file a lawsuit in a personal injury case, including in a Los Angeles truck accident case. A lawsuit must be filed no later than two years from the date of the accident.
If you do not make that deadline, you likely will forever be precluded from suing to obtain truly necessary compensation for your injuries and losses. There can be some limited exceptions to this general rule, which an attorney from The Doan Law Firm can identify for you.
Hire an Experienced Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer at The Doan Law Firm
You do not need to go it alone after a collision with semi-truck. You best protect your legal rights and interest by retaining the services if a skilled, experienced and compassionate Los Angeles truck accident attorney from The Doan Law Firm.
You can schedule an initial consultation with a lawyer from The Doan Law Firm by calling 424-334-0000. We can schedule an appoint for you at a time that is convenient for you. We can meet at our offices or in your home. Indeed, if you are hospitalized, we can meet you there.
There is no charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm truck accident lawyer. Indeed, we will not charge a fee in your case until we obtain a settlement or judgment in your favor.

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