Responsible Parties in a Los Angeles Truck Accident Case
12100 Wilshire Boulevard, 8th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90025
A Los Angeles truck accident case can have absolutely devastating consequences. The reality is that in a high percentage of California semi-truck accidents, at least one person in the vehicle struck by the rig is killed. In nearly all semi-truck accidents, the passengers in the other vehicle end up with severe injuries.
One of the major tasks in pursuing a Los Angeles truck accident case is identifying all of the parties who are responsible for the accident and the injuries sustained by the victims of the collision. The experienced attorneys at The Doan Law Firm are well-versed in identifying any and all responsible parties in an accident with a semi-truck. The Doan Law Firm can be reached by telephoning 424-334-0000.
The Driver
One of the most obviously responsible people in the case of a commercial truck accident is the rig driver. There are a multitude of different ways in which a driver can be negligent in causing an accident.
These include:
- intoxication
- falling asleep
- distracted driving
- speeding
In virtually any case involving a semi-truck accident, the driver will be included on the list or parties legally responsible for the collision. However, in most accidents, the driver is not the only party responsible.
The Owner
The owner is nearly always responsible for damages sustained in a semi-truck accident. There are three types of owners in the trucking industry:
- owner-operator
- individual owner
- company owner
In the case of an owner that also drives the rig, liability for losses on the part of the owner by virtue of the fact that he or she is also the driver. In the case of an individual owner or a company owner, a legal concept called agency comes into play.
The driver is an agent of the individual or company owner. As an agent, the owner is responsible for the conduct of the driver, including for any negligence of the driver in the operation of a rig.
The Maintenance Provider
In this day and age, truck maintenance usually is provided by a third party. If the maintenance on the vehicle is not properly undertaken, and that fact contributes to the cause of an accident, the maintenance provider can be deemed one of the entities responsible for losses.
The Truck Manufacturer
A manufacturer's defect many times is contributes to a truck accident. If that is the case, the company that assembled the rig can be held responsible for losses to a person injured in a truck accident.
A Parts Manufacturer
On a related note, a part defect is another relatively commonplace element contributing to a semi-truck accident. If that is the case, the manufacturer of the part at issue can be included in a claim or lawsuit for losses.
Another Driver
In some cases involving a Los Angeles truck accident, a third driver contributes to the collision. If that is the case, the third driver may be included in the mix when you seek compensation for injuries and losses.
A Passenger in the Truck
Although there are laws and likely truck company rules governing passengers in a rig, truckers do fairly regularly have company. If a passenger somehow contributed to causing the collision, that individual will be deemed partially responsible for the accident.
A Governmental Entity
In some cases, a governmental entity may be deemed partially responsible for the cause of an accident. For example, if there is an unreasonably dangerous condition on a roadway that a particular governmental agency is responsible for protecting against, a claim may be made against that agency in some cases.
Hire a Los Angeles Truck Accident Attorney that Will Fight for You
You do not need to fight for your rights alone when you have been injured in an accident with a commercial truck. The Doan Law Firm has Los Angeles truck accident lawyers on our team who stand ready to fight for your rights.
You can call our firm at 424-334-0000 to schedule an appointment with a Doan Law Firm personal injury attorney. There is no charge for an initial consultation.
We can schedule an appointment any time and at any location that is convenient for you. We can meet at our offices or in your home. If you remain in the hospital, or undergoing physical and occupational rehabilitation, we can meet wherever you happen to be at the time.
During an initial consultation, we will discuss all possible parties who might have contributed to your injuries and losses. We will discuss overall tactics designed to maximize compensation in your case. We will also answer any questions that you might have regarding a Los Angeles truck accident insurance claim or lawsuit.

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