Miami Bus Accident Lawyer
801 Brickell Avenue, Suite 900
Miami, Florida 33131
(786) 671-0000
To the first-time visitor to the Miami – Dade County area, there seems to be no limit to the number to the number of courtesy vans, hotel and airport shuttles, limousines and tour buses that zip along the highways at any hour of the day or night. Many of these buses are dedicated to maintaining a steady influx of new players to the casinos of South Florida and other recreational spots of the area.
Aside from minor traffic accidents, bus accidents are not common in South Florida. However, when a bus accident does occur there is always the potential for major, if not fatal, injuries.
Why Bus Accidents Occur
Many injuries that occur on buses, regardless of the type of bus or purpose of the bus trip, are minor and usually related to a passenger standing while the bus is in motion. These scrapes and sprains usually require only a visit to the local Emergency Room, with the bus company picking up the tab for the visit, and no one is the worse for wear. Unfortunately, there are times when a major accident occurs.
Any business, regardless of whether or not it is involved in public transportation, has the obligation to protect its customers or others from danger that could arise while using that business’s facilities or other equipment. When they fail to do so, they become liable for any injury that may occur.
Most major bus accidents can ultimately be traced back to one, or more, factors:
- excessive speed and/or reckless driving
- impaired divers
- improper maintenance leading to equipment failure
- hiring of unqualified drivers, including retaining drivers with multiple traffic offenses since hire
- failure to comply with mandatory drug and alcohol screening
To illustrate how these factors can lead to tragedy, consider this example.
Just after 5:00 AM on October 23, 2016 a tour bus rear-ended a slow moving truck near Palm Springs, CA killing 13 people. A preliminary investigation revealed:
- the bus was speeding when it rammed into the truck
- the driver, who also owned the bus, had been cited for traffic violations numerous times in the past
- the bus company had failed state safety inspections at least twice in 10 years
- there was no evidence the company had ever conducted drug and alcohol screening as required by law
Who Is Responsible For Bus Accident Injuries?
Any injury that occurs on a bus, be it minor or otherwise, is usually the responsibility of the company that operates the bus. There are instances when this is not the case, such as when a bus is struck by another vehicle or damaged in a manner that the bus driver could not have foreseen. These instances are relatively infrequent when compared to the number of times an accident is clearly due to some act by the bus driver or some failure of compliance with safety regulations by the bus company.
Damages That Can Be Recovered After a Bus Accident
“Damages” is a term used to describe the dollar value of any injuries received in an accidental or even intentional injury. Damages can include medical expenses, lost income because of inability to work after an accident, repair or replacement of damaged personal property, any pain or emotional distress arising from the accident or any other unplanned-for expense that is related to the accident.
The Doan Law Firm Represents those Injured In Bus Accidents And Their Families
The type of expense, and how much compensation is due the accident victim or the victim’s family, can vary over a wide range depending on the type of accident and the injury itself. To get a clearer picture of what may be available to bus accident victims, you should contact a bus accident injury lawyer who has experience in managing bus accident cases.
In the Miami – Dade County – South Florida area, the bus accident injury attorney at the Doan Law Firm can be reached by calling (786) 671-0000 at any time that is convenient for you. Our bus accident attorney will listen to the facts of your case and your description of the injuries caused by the accident to learn if you should pursue legal action against the bus company responsible for your injuries.
At the Doan Law Firm, your first consultation with our bus accident lawyer is always free and without obligation. Should you ask us to manage your bus accident injury, we will handle all necessary expenses for you to win your case in exchange for a percentage of your final settlement.

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