Aviation Accident Lawyers
Call Today for Experienced Guidance from the Aviation Lawyers at The Doan Law Firm
Determining the cause of aircraft accidents can be a complex process. An aviation accident can be caused by a number of different problems, and it requires a highly experienced person with the special expertise to determine which possible cause best explains how the accident happened.If you or someone you love has been injured as a result of an aviation accident, call The Doan Law Firm at (800) 349-0000. Our attorneys will take the necessary steps to file a claim against the responsible party on your behalf. It is possible that you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation.
One of the most common causes of aviation accidents is the violation of Federal Aviation Administration Rules. Additionally, some pilots will choose to take flight during inclement or dangerous weather patterns. Another common cause of aircraft accidents is pilot error. Accidents can also occur due to failure by the flight service employee or air traffic controller to properly and effectively perform their duties, resulting in negligence.
Failure to Follow Rules
The FAA is tasked with the responsibility of regulating the aviation industry, and the officials of the federal agency write the guidelines and laws that are designed to govern the safety of the industry. It is when people ignore or neglect to follow these rules and guidelines that accidents, injuries, and even death, occur.
Some of the most common actions that constitute a failure to follow FAA rules are:
- The failure to keep adequate records
- The inability or refusal to follow in-flight guidelines and regulations
- Failing to perform proper maintenance on the aircraft
- Operating an aircraft with an expired or suspended license
- The boarding of prohibited hazardous material on a flight
The goal of the FAA is to implement strict guidelines that will ensure your safe during travel on a commercial airline or private passenger plane. When companies and their employees fail to follow these guidelines, primarily as an effort to reduce costs, they have violated your rights as a passenger, and they have placed you at risk. In this case, even if you have no severe injuries, you may still be entitled to compensation.
Failure of Aircraft Equipment
There are several primary reasons why aircraft equipment fails. One of the most causes of equipment failure is the failure to properly maintain the aircraft. When the aircraft is not properly maintained it will eventually lead to equipment failure, subsequently leading to an aviation accident in which people are hurt or killed. Additionally, aircraft equipment can also fail as a result of incompetence or the lack of adequate training. Also, there are times when the responsibility for the failure of equipment is ascribed to the manufacturer. For example, the manufacturer ships a defective design that malfunctions during a flight.
Who Can Be Held Responsible?
It is possible for several people, companies or entities to be liable for injuries sustained during an aviation accident. Generally speaking, in more than half of the plane crashes that take place, the pilot is ruled to be the one responsible for the accident. It is also possible that the court will assign a portion of the liability to the owner of the aircraft, because the owner is responsible for passenger safety, although they will not be flying the plane. In the case in which a defective part in which the defect can be attributed to the manufacturer, the manufacturer bears some of the responsibility for any accidents that may occur as a result of the defective part.
The companies that are responsible for performing maintenance and repairs on airliners can also be held liable in a situation in which the investigators determine that the maintenance or repair work performed on the aircraft was inadequate. There are cases in which the air traffic controller or a flight services employee acted in a negligent manner. Due to the fact that air traffic controllers are employed by the Federal Government, the government can be held liable for a crash in which air traffic control acted in a negligent manner.
There are times when the level of incompetence is so great that the fuel supplier will use the wrong fuel for the aircraft, which can also lead to deadly crashes and accidents.
Investigating Aviation Accidents
When an aviation accident occurs, the National Transportation Safety Board will responsible for investigating the cause of the accident; However, at the Doan Law Firm, we are more than capable of conducting our own independent investigations. The founder of the firm, Jimmy Doan, has received extensive training in order to receive his private pilot license, which means that he is personally knowledgeable of the FAA's guidelines and regulations.
Contact the Aviation Attorneys at the Doan Law Firm
Whether you lost a loved one in a plane crash, or you have been injured yourself, it is important that you seek the professional assistance of one of the qualified attorneys at The Doan Law Firm, so give us a call at (800) 349-0000. It is possible that you will be able to file a personal injury claim or wrongful death lawsuit.
The firm is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and the phone consultations that we offer are free of charge. If we decided to take your case, we will not charge you any fees until the case has been settled. In the rare case in which you do not prevail in court, you will not receive a bill from our office.

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