Mechanical Failure and Catastrophic Aviation Accidents: Obtaining Justice after a Crash
Protect Your Legal Rights with an Aviation Accident Lawyer from The Doan Law Firm
Catastrophic airplane accidents nab media attention when they occur. One reason is because of the horrific nature of these incidents. Another reason is because catastrophic aviation accidents don’t occur very often. The complexity of these types of accidents, coupled with the fact that they are relatively uncommon, underscores the need for capable legal representation by a skilled aviation accident lawyer like a member of the legal team at The Doan Law Firm.
You can obtain more information and access to legal assistance by calling the aviation accident attorney hotline at (800) 349-0000. The hotline is available to you around the clock, 365 days a year.
Although there are a myriad of reasons underpinning catastrophic aviation accidents in the United States and elsewhere around the world, there are a trio of common causes for these horrific incidents:
- Mechanical failure
- Pilot error
- Weather
When an aviation accident is determined to be the cause of mechanical failure, pursuing a claim for losses arising from the event can prove to be a highly challenging experience. This is the case when a claim is filed by surviving family members of a person killed in such an accident as well as by an injured passenger who survives an aircraft accident caused by mechanical failure.
Most Common Mechanical Failures on Commercial Aircraft
Not all mechanical failures on commercial aircraft result in catastrophic accidents. Merely because a mechanical failure occurs and the plane remains aloft doesn’t mean that there will not be injuries or even deaths as a result of a breakdown.
The trio of most common types of mechanical failures associated with commercial airplanes includes these breakdowns:
- Sudden cabin decompression
- Landing gear failure
- Engine problems
Landing gear failure happens twice as often as engine problems on commercial aircraft. Sudden cabin decompression happens a bit more frequently than engine problems.
People might be inclined to minimize sudden cabin decompression, thinking is something that can be fairly quickly corrected. While that oftentimes is the case, there have been incidents in which a sudden decompression rendered everyone on board unconscious, including the crew, resulting in a crash.
At the other end of the spectrum, an engine malfunction of landing gear failure can have catastrophic consequences, but that is not always the case. The reality is that in a good number of instances, a skilled crew is able to address the situation and manage to bring an aircraft down for a landing despite the mechanical issue. The vital role an aircraft crew plays when a mechanical failure occurs must not be undervalued. The reality is that the crew can protect against devastating consequences when a mechanical failure occurs.
On the other hand, which can be the case, if a crew doesn’t respond in a reasonably appropriate manner when a mechanical issue occurs, the conduct of the aviation team can aggravate an already serious and potentially deadly situation. This difficult reality underscores the fact that when a mechanical failure occurs causing an aviation accident, multiple parties may be at fault for the incident.
Aviation Accident Lawyer Brings All Responsible Parties to Justice
As mentioned before, aviation accidents are both complex and not particularly common. Thus, professional assistance in protecting your legal rights with an experience aviation accident lawyer is crucial. The need for professional assistance is magnified significantly when the cause of an aviation accident is mechanical failure of some sort. Identifying and holding all negligent parties responsible can prove to be a herculean task in and of itself.
The list of potentially responsible parties in the event of a mechanical failure causing an aviation accident can prove to be long. Those parties who may bear responsibility can include:
- Aircraft manufacturer
- Aircraft parts manufacturer
- Aircraft maintenance provider
- Airline
- Pilot
- Other crew member
In the end, justice requires that all responsible parties be called to account for an negligence they contributed to an aviation accident.
Get a Fighter on Your Side: Retain a Doan Law Firm Aviation Accident Attorney
Contact an aviation accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm today at (800) 349-0000. Our firm has offices nationwide. We can schedule an initial consultation at anyone of our offices, at your home, or even online via a virtual consultation. There is no fee for an initial consultation with an aviation accident lawyer from our firm.
The Doan Law Firm Attorney Fee Promise
Keep in mind that The Doan Law Firm never charges an attorney fee unless we win for you.

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