How Mechanical Failures Can Cause Aviation Accidents
The Doan Law Firm's Aviation Accident Lawyers Fight for Justice for You
There are several more common causes of aviation accidents in the United States and around the world. Human error, mechanical failure, or a combination of both are the most common causes of commercial aircraft accidents. The Doan Law Firm aviation attorney accident hotline at (800) 349-0000 is staffed right now (day or night) to answer any specific questions you might have about the causes of aircraft accidents.
The Federal Aviation Administration maintains that a full 50 percent of commercial aircraft accidents arise from human error. 13 to 15 percent of aviation accidents are the result of a mechanical breakdown. In addition, mechanical failure and human error combine to result in catastrophic aviation accidents.
Underlying Causes of Mechanical Failures that Result in Aviation Accidents
There exists a number of different types of mechanical failures that result in catastrophic aviation accidents, incidents that result in serious injuries and fatalities.
These underlying causes of aviation accidents caused by mechanical failures include:
- Manufacturing defect (of aircraft or component part)
- Design defect (of aircraft or component part)
- Failure to appropriately inspect aircraft
- Failure to properly maintain aircraft
- Failure to timely replace component parts
- Metal fatigue
Due to the more common types of mechanical failures that result in aviation accidents, multiple parties are apt to be deemed responsible for resulting injuries, damages, and losses.
These parties potentially include:
- Plane manufacturer
- Plane parts manufacturers
- Aircraft designers
- Parts designers
- Maintenance company
- Inspection company
- Airline
Because of the complexity of identifying the cause or causes of a mechanical breakdown associated with a catastrophic aviation accident, coupled with the challenges of identifying all responsible parties, you need an experienced, tenacious Doan Law Firm aviation accident lawyer on your side.
It’s Not Just Major Catastrophes
Many people do not fully appreciate that a myriad of mechanical failures on and around aircrafts do not result on horrific crashes. Rather, every year a significant number of commercial airline passengers are injured as the result of mechanical breakdowns that don’t result in fatal crashes. You or a loved one may be the victims of this type of injury-causing mechanical failure.
A recurring mechanical failure on commercial planes that result in what prove to be serious injuries is a breakdown associated with the beverage cart. Time and again, the brake of beverage carts fail to engage properly because of some type of defect associated with the device. When that occurs, a beverage cart can suddenly roll free down the cabin aisle, injuring a passenger or passengers.
Another relatively common type of mechanical breakdown that results in injuries but not a catastrophic crash involves sudden cabin decompression. Other mechanical issues associated with commercial aircraft that can result in injuries but not a major crash include seat belt malfunction, turbulence warning system failure, and malfunctions associated with Jetway leading to the aircraft.
Justice and Compensation in Your Aviation Accident Case
The specific facts and circumstances surrounding your aviation accident injuries and other losses govern the possible compensation potentially available in your case.
Having said that, an aviation accident lawyer from our firm fights for compensation that includes financial recovery for:
- Pain and suffering
- Medical bills and expenses
- Mental anguish and emotional distress
- Permanent disability and disfigurement
- Lost income
If you’ve lost a family member in an aviation accident, we fight for compensation that includes:
- Final medical bills
- Funeral and burial expenses
- Lost companionship
- Lost support or income
- Mental anguish and emotional distress
Depending in the circumstances, we may be able to seek punitive or exemplary damages as well. This represents additional compensation when the conduct of the parties that caused an aviation accident is deemed particularly reckless or egregious.
Hire a Fighter: Retain an Aviation Accident Lawyer from The Doan Law Firm
As mentioned previously, you can reach out go an experienced, committed aviation accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year by calling (800) 349-0000. We can schedule an initial consultation with you at any time that fits your schedule.
We are a nationwide law firm, with offices located from coast-to-coast across the United States. We can also schedule an appointment with you at your home. In addition, we can arrange a virtual consultation via the internet. There is no fee for an initial consultation with an aviation accident attorney from our firm.
The Doan Law Firm Attorney Fee Guarantee
The Doan Law Firm has an attorney fee guarantee for you. Our firm will never charge an attorney fee unless we obtain a favorable settlement or judgment in your aviation accident case.

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