Back Injury Lawyers
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When it comes to matters of personal health, one of the absolute most common problems that you’ll find cropping up among patients from every demographic that can be treated by back specialists is what is known as LBP, also known as lower back pain. In the course of one’s life, you actually have an 80% chance of experiencing the effects of lower back pain at some point in your adult life.
Let’s look at the way that your spine is made up. The spinal column is actually made up of a combined total of 24 vertebrae. It can be further broken down and seen as:
- 7 vertebrae located in what’s known as the Cervical Spine
- 12 vertebrae located in the Thoracic Spine
- 5 vertebrae located in what’s called the Thoracic Spine
Between the vertebrae that we’ve previously mentioned, there are also spongy discs that are there to provide a cushioned pad that helps to absorb some of the pressure, and which allows the spine to have its full range of movement. Ligaments then surround and protect the spinal cord, along with of course the assistance of the cartilage and muscles in the surrounding area. Unfortunately, many factors can crop up and prevent you from having total spinal comfort.
Some of these factors that contribute to the development of lower back pain include:
- Protruding Discs
- Fractures of All Kinds
- Any Surgical Errors
- A Lower Back Sprain or Lower Back Strain
Protruding Discs
First of all, let’s get into the properties of the discs and how, if left untreated, ones that are protruding can cause lower back pain. There are actually two main parts that make up the discs as a whole. These are known as the annulus and the nucleus. While the nucleus is surrounded by the annulus, which serves as a sort of protector, the annulus can actually tear when injured, which will cause the nucleus to in fact protrude. When this occurs, the protrusion will undoubtedly effect the spinal cord in a very negative fashion, causing severe and often radiating pain which can be found in both of the legs.
Fractures of All Kinds
Many things can lead to fractures of all kinds. These include but are not limited to accidents, high level falls, etc., and can actually lead to the crushing or compression of a vertebrae. An especially powerful injury can even put a nick or a chip in the vertebrae as well.
Any Surgical Errors
Unfortunately, there are a great number of things that can actually go wrong during a back surgery. As an example, the hardware that the doctor is inserting might be done incorrectly, the spinal cord can even become severed, or the doctors could simply fail to achieve the standard level of care during the operation, or even during what’s known as postoperative care. If any of these things occur, you can be sure that lower back sprain, or even more debilitating conditions can and will occur.
A Lower Back Sprain or Lower Back Strain
Lower back sprains or lower back strains will occur whenever the back muscles are agitated, stretched, or even overworked. It’s important that you keep in mind that sudden movements that are also forceful in nature can injure your ligaments in your back. These ligaments will then likely become weak, or even stiff.
So now that we’ve looked at the different causes of lower back pain in general, let’s take a moment to explore how a proper examination can help bring to light the exact nature and cause of your lower back pain. In general, there are four components that go into making up an orthopedic evaluation.
These are:
- Your Medical History
- A Physical Exam
- Proper Diagnostic Testing
- A Full Discussion of Treatment, which May Include Surgery
Within the actual medical history portion of the examination, your doctor is going to make sure to gather all of the history information you have on file regarding your past medical history, as well as any particular mechanisms of this injury that could have actually led to the injury in question. After this is done, the doctor will go ahead and examine you so that they can determine the motion of your back, as well as its alignment, and lastly the strength in your back.
Once the physical exam is complete, diagnostic tests will likely be ordered. These can ultimately include tests such as
- CAT Scans
- MRIs
- X-Rays
Things such as diagnostic testing are also quite helpful in determining whether exactly there is the presence of a potentially protruding or even herniated disk in your back, as this could be a life threatening situation. If this is found, the doctor can also check to see whether or not it’s intruding on the space surrounding your spinal cord. If it in fact is, then you would of course need to undergo surgery to correct the situation.
Know Your Rights and Seek Out Legal Representation
If you have suffered from a back injury as a result of negligence from a doctor or other culpable individual, you have legal rights and truly do deserve representation. The qualified, helpful, and specialized lawyers over at The Doan Law Firm are ready and willing to help you out with a free consultation, and can walk you through all of the steps that must be taken in the process of beginning an injury settlement and/or lawsuit in regards to a potential back injury. It’s important to note that the lawyers at The Doan Law Firm are in fact available and ready to talk to you 24/7, 265 days of the year. So whether it’s 3 in the morning or Christmas day, you know that you can contact The Doan Law Firm over at thedoanlawfirm.com, or, if you prefer to talk to a real, live person, we can also be reached at (800) 349-0000.
Make Sure That You Contact a Truly Experienced Personal Lawyer
After an accident occurs, the responsible party’s insurance company might actually attempt to reduce the claim amount involved. Insurance adjusters are in fact commonly trained to get at the information from the injured party in order to help reduce the total claim amount. Although some insurers are less guilty of utilizing this practice, it’s crucial that you remember that insurance companies are corporations that are focused on profit over people. As a result, reducing the overall number of claims will in fact result in increased profits for their shareholders. What this does is create a situation where the injured party is offered a settlement that will not accurately reflect the level of damages that you’ve truly suffered. And now if you are to accept this settlement, you will actually lose the ability to receive more money should those injuries you’ve suffered require any further medical treatment. As such, it’s absolutely paramount that you get the legal assistance you need and deserve in any personal injury case. You can count on The Doan Law Firm to fight tooth and nail to make sure that your rights are assured.
So whether it's looking at the myriad causes of lower back pain and lower back strain, the treatments that are at your fingertips, or the ways in which these treatments can sometimes in fact go wrong, it's clear to see that you need to make sure that you're truly protected every step of the way. While unfortunately there's no way at this time to guarantee that mistakes won't happen in your procedure to remove and/or treat lower back pain or lower back strain, The Doan Law Firm is there to help.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We are here to help you.

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