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Tragic Motorcycle Accident Leaves Family With Lingering Questions


Three days before Thanksgiving last year, Taylor Woodall rode north on Interstate 985 on his Honda CBR 1000 RR motorcycle, a friend following in a Ford Mustang. About a mile north of GA. Highway 20, the motorcyclist was riding the highway in excess of 100 mph, some reports say when he was involved in an accident.

The motorcycle accident, which involved retired Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent Michael Rundles and his son, an off-duty Gwinnett police officer, is under investigation and will be scrutinized by independent accident reconstruction experts, reports say.

One side of the story says Woodall was racing the Mustang when Rundles merged left into his lane. Woodall slammed into the 2008 Toyota Sienna's rear driver's side window and bumper, was ejected, and came to a final rest in the median.

Woodall's mother reportedly claims that the investigation was misdirected from the start. Police contend the ongoing investigation has been thorough and unbiased.

But according to an apparent police accident report, Rundles drove his vehicle to an exit at Friendship Road just over the Hall County line - roughly 4.5 miles from Ga. Highway 20. It was only there that he stopped and realized there had been a collision, even though the van's back windshield was smashed, reports said.

Police arrested his friend in the Mustang, Kyle Reichel, 24, on felony vehicular homicide charges last week for allegedly racing Woodall at speeds flirting with 120 mph. He's since posted $18,200 bond and was released from jail. The investigation is continuing.

Police investigating other police - especially those who work in the same area - need to be held to a higher standard of proof of innocence. If you or a loved one are involved in a case having to do with possible police misconduct, you need an ally. Houston personal injury attorneys at The Doan Law Firm, P.C. can be that ally. For more information, contact The Doan Law Firm, P.C. today.