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Staten Island Ferry Crashes Into Pier


With a history of accidents, yet another Staten Island, NY ferry malfunctioned as it approached its terminal earlier this year and smashed into a pier. The crash jolted injured passengers to the deck, leaving 37 people hurt and in need of treatment.

The ferry, the Andrew J. Barberi, arrived at the St. George Ferry Terminal on Staten Island, carrying 252 passengers and 18 crew when what appeared to be a mechanical failure caused the ferry to approach the shore faster than usual.  

Witnesses reported the ferry captain walking very quickly and yelling "brake, brake, brake!' just before the ferry was driven straight into the concrete of the terminal. The ferry's throttle reportedly failed to engage as it prepared to dock, reports said, meaning the crew was unable to use the engines to apply reverse thrust and slow down. The ferry was reportedly moving at about five miles per hour when it hit. Reports say the ferry suffered serious damage to its ramps and had gouges in the decks above the waterline. Ramps on the pier were also damaged.

Ironically, Andrew Barberi was also involved in a 2003 wreck that killed 11 people. That accident occurred when the pilot, suffering from extreme fatigue and on painkillers, passed out at the wheel and the boat hit the terminal in St. George at full speed. The ferry returned to service after multimillion-dollar rehabilitation.

On public transportation, the public PR machine often makes compensation for injuries suffered difficult to procure. The Doan Law Firm, P.C., P.C., led by Houston personal injury attorney Jimmy Doan, has extensive experience in dealing with the government bureaucracy and the maze of complicated processes in getting the compensation for the injuries you deserve. For more information, contact The Doan Law Firm, P.C. today.
