Muskegon County, Michigan, officials removed the siblings of two children who drowned last month from the custody of their parents, reports say.
Two children, Ya'Mesha Mitchell and Torrey Day, slipped into a half-filled pool at a vacant home while parents were at the location, but not taking care of the youngsters, reports say. The two children couldn't swim and died.
The children were from two different families, and at least one parent from each family was present when the drownings occurred. Both families had prior problems with child protective services, reports say.
The children in each family have been placed with other relatives during the state investigation which will determine the safety of the homes in which they each reside.
Water tragedies can happen to any family from any economic status. The one constant is that more children than adults drown in family pools, shallow ponds, and streams. In the event of a pool accident or drowning, compensation may be available to the family of the victim. The Doan Law Firm, P.C. has extensive experience in water injury and accidental drowning litigation. For more information, contact The Doan Law Firm, P.C. today.