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Gulf Coast Oil Spill Could Have Lasting Consequences


With reports of globs of what appears to be roofing tar washing up on the Chandeleur Islands off Louisiana, fresh questions about the actual cost - of both money and of natural destruction - of the Gulf Coast oil spill are on the minds of local residents.

Gulf Coasters are now bracing for not just the worst oil spill in the Gulf, but what now threatens to become the worst oil spill in US history. And the well is still pumping out some 5000 barrels a day.

Some fifty miles out into the Gulf, nearly a hundred vessels, from tugboats and barges to speedboats and oil skimmers, and from airplanes and helicopters to transport ships and diving bells, are working to cap the spill. So far, the slick is approximately 50 miles wide and 110 miles long. BP will have to pay the entire cost of the cleanup.

The big clumps of cold oil have pundits questioning whether the oil will eventually sink - which will create a whole new problem. On top of the water, it may be tough to corral, but below the surface, it will be impossible to collect. Should it sink, it would put oyster beds in jeopardy. So far, the Coast Guard has laid more than 9,000 feet of containment rings around Wildlife Management Areas.

If your community has been impacted by this man-made disaster, you need help. The Doan Law Firm has many of the answers you seek. With extensive experience in environmental litigation, the Doan Law Firm can help you move on with your life in the midst of this disaster. The Doan Law Form can be contacted at 1 Riverway, Suite 1700, Houston, Texas 77056. Phone: (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.
