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Oil Giant Hedging Its Oil Slick Bets


Oil giant BP  is already shifting emphasis on staving off disaster by reportedly pushing commercial fishermen to sign settlement agreements capping any claims against the oil giant at $5,000.

Last week, the Alabama attorney general reportedly ordered BP to stop distributing agreements to Alabama's fishermen, advising the fishermen to proceed with caution and understand the ramifications before signing any agreement.

In addition, BP has reportedly caused problems with fishermen, who they had enlisted to help in the cleanup for their knowledge of the area, by creating employment contracts that had similar future liability clauses built into those contracts.

A U.S. District Court has also reportedly struck down language seeking to prevent fishermen engaged in assisting BP in the cleanup effort from going public with criticism on BP without prior clearance from company officials.

As the situation becomes more tenuous for both fishermen and BP, lawsuits will continue to be filed. You may be entitled to compensation under the law, too. For accurate information regarding any losses incurred by this oil spill, contact the Doan Law Firm at 1 Riverway, Suite 1700, Houston, TX  77056. Phone: (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.
