Louisiana opened a special shrimp season last week in order to allow shrimpers to try to harvest what's salvageable before the BP oil spill washes ashore. Analysts say, however, that shrimp supplies will still be hit hard this summer.
Reports say that any seafood from the Gulf Coast -- shrimp, oysters, grouper, snapper, etc - were in jeopardy. The last regular supply of oysters was harvested Sunday, as farmers dug their shellfish up as quickly and frantically as they could to salvage what was in the water and to create a larger stock ahead of what looked to be a shortage.
In the meantime, efforts to contain the spill and stop the leak are costing the well's owners about $6 million per day, officials said. BP has placed a collector over the well area, pumping what oil it can, to a nearby ship. The larger, more permanent cap could take two more weeks before it is ready for use. And capping it with episode-ending concrete could take three months.
Federal officials have recently ordered inspections of all deep-water operations in the Gulf of Mexico. Under the 1990 Oil Pollution Act, passed in the wake of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, BP is legally responsible for paying the costs of the response to and cleanup of the spill.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist declared a state of emergency in several counties on Friday. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has requested 6,000 National Guard troops in response to the spill, and the Defense Department has reportedly agreed. Defense spokesmen said that the spill is BP's responsibility and that the Federal government expects to be reimbursed.
If you or a loved one has been affected adversely by this disaster, The Doan Law Firm can help. The Doan Law Firm has considerable experience in personal injury litigation and can give you the assistance you need. The Doan Law Firm can be contacted at 1 Riverway, Suite 1700, Houston, Texas 77056. Phone: (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.