Although exactly what happened still isn't clear, what is clear is that the death of 39-year-old Jennifer Michelle Patton was an accident.
Patton veered off the road and into a pond, trapping her inside and ultimately drowning her, reports say. Patton, a marketing coordinator for an architectural firm two miles from where she died, was driving north on Fallkirk Drive near Campbell when she inexplicably veered left and drove into the water. The causes of the accident are still unknown.
Emergency crews were called and pulled Patton through the sunroof. Patton was unconscious and was pronounced dead at Richardson Hospital. No witnesses saw the vehicle enter the water, and only one witness saw it before it disappeared under the surface, reports say.
Drowning injuries and deaths are tragic in both consequences and aftermath. Who do you look to for help? The Doan Law Firm P.C. has extensive experience in water safety and water injury and can give you advice and direction. Contact the Doan Law Firm, P.C., led by Houston personal injury attorney Jimmy Doan, at 1 Riverway, Suite 2055, Houston, Texas 77056, (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.