Five hip replacement patients have filed suit against DePuy Orthopaedics, saying the devices had defects and that DuPuy knew of the defects and did nothing about them.
DePuy issued a worldwide recall of the ASR XL Acetabular System, a hip socket used in traditional hip replacement, last summer. The ASR Hip Resurfacing System, a system that fits a metal cap on corrupted ball of the femur, was only not fully approved in the United States.
Reports say that smaller patients faced a higher risk - perhaps as much as a 15-18% failure rate - than average height patients. The lawsuit says the cap allegedly releases dangerous cobalt and chromium into the bloodstream. There is also a belief that other complications may be linked to the DePuy hip implant and the metal entering patients' bloodstreams.
Sifting through medical device information is always difficult, and assistance is not always easy to find - nor is it always effective. The Doan Law Firm P.C. has extensive experience in personal injury. For advice in times of crisis, contact the Jimmy Doan Law Firm at 1 Riverway, Suite 2055, Houston, Texas 77056, (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.