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Austin Auto Fatality on East Ben White Blvd. Claims Man's Life


Sergio Banda Rodriguez, 28, was killed in December last year as he drove westbound on East Ben White Blvd approaching East Riverside Drive. The Red Chevrolet Silverado in which Rodriguez was driving crossed three lanes and struck the passenger side of a Red Saturn Vue. The Vue was stopped at a red light at the intersection of East Riverside Dr. and East Bent White Blvd.

Rodriguez continued westbound striking a utility pole in the center median of Ben White Blvd. He was extracted from the car and transported to University Medical Center at Brackenridge Hospital. He was pronounced dead minutes after arrival. Alcohol appears to be a factor in this crash and Rodriguez was not wearing a seatbelt.

Deaths such as this are tragic. Experts in dealing with situations similar to this are helpful in giving direction to families of accidental injury and death victims. The Doan Law Firm P.C., led by Houston personal injury attorney Jimmy Doan, has extensive experience in traffic-related injury and wrongful death accidents. He can assist any family suffering loss or injury. Contact the Doan Law Firm, P.C., at 1 Riverway, Suite 2055, Houston, Texas 77056, (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.