Reports say the body recovered from the Elm Fork of the Trinity River is that of Hwanyeo Park of Coppell, TX. Coppell police had been searching for the man, reported missing since May 3rd.
Park was reportedly last seen leaving his home around 2 p.m. on May 3. Family members reported him missing late that same that evening. Park, 84, who only spoke Korean, typically walked in the afternoon, leaving around 2 p.m. and returning typically by 6 p.m. When he didn't return at his usual time his family became worried and called police.
The police were eventually led to a 600-acre area near Lake Vista and MacArthur, where he was found deceased.
With extensive experience in drowning and water accidents, the Doan Law Firm P.C., can assist any family suffering loss or injury. Contact the Doan Law Firm, P.C., led by Houston personal injury attorney Jimmy Doan,at 1 Riverway, Suite 2055, Houston, Texas 77056, (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.

Body Found in Trinity River is Missing Man
The Doan Law Firm