Reports from England say Red Bull is a possible contributor to the death of a student in a nightclub last year. The September 2008 death of Chloe Leach revealed that she drank four cans of the drink along with several VKs - a vodka-based drink that also contains caffeine - before she collapsed around 3 a.m. on a dance floor in Hull, Great Britain.
The young 21-year-old woman had been diagnosed with epilepsy and was also believed to suffer from QT syndrome, a condition that affects the electric activity in the heart. Patients with QT live with possible cardiac arrests, reports say. But Leach was apparently diligent about taking her medication and watched her caffeine intake.
Red Bull contains 80 milligrams of caffeine in each can, compared to 40 milligrams in an average cup of coffee.
During the investigation, the family of the young woman will likely have questions. In a tragedy like this one, survivors' questions need to be addressed by experts. The Doan Law Firm P.C. has extensive experience in personal injury and accidental death cases and can assist any family suffering loss or injury. Contact the Doan Law Firm, P.C., led by Houston personal injury attorney Jimmy Doan, at 1 Riverway, Suite 2055, Houston, Texas 77056, (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.