USA Holiday Bus Casino Tour Accident Update
A violent casino bus accident took the lives of 13 passengers and sent over 30 others to emergency rooms. Evidence at the scene indicated that the bus was moving at a high rate of speed, and slammed into the back of a commercial semi-track and its trailer. The truck driver sustained more minor injuries as a result of the accident while the USA Holiday bus driver, who was also the owner of the motor-coach company, was killed.
On the day of the accident, many questions were left unanswered regarding the underlying cause of the collision. The investigation has continued since that day, with a clearer picture coming forward about the reasons the bus collided with the semi-truck in the first instance.
The USA Holiday bus was returning to the Los Angeles area with a group of individuals who had spent time at the Red Earth Casino, which is located near Salton Sea. The accident occurred about 5:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning. The tragic collision occurred just outside of Palm Springs, on Highway 10.
Violation of Safety Standards
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration is involved in investigatory efforts following the accident. The initial findings from the NHTSA revealed that the motor-coach was in violation of safety standards at the time of the USA Holiday bus accident.
The NHTSA specifically reported that the tires on the tour bus did not meet Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance inspection standards. Specifically, the tread on both steer axle tires on the vehicle were below the mandated requirements for minimum tire tread depth. The NHTSA made it patently clear that the issue with the depth of the steer axle tires was enough to require the casino tour bus to be taken off the road. The agency made it clear that axle tires, with an appropriate tread, are crucial to maintaining control over the vehicle.
The NHTSA made it clear that the investigation was only in the early stages. The agency indicated the final results from the investigation may not be available for a year.
Review of History of USA Holiday Bus Tours
The driver of the motor-coach involved in the USA holiday bus accident is also the owner of the company. The horrific accident near Palm Springs in mid-October is not the first time the tour bus company has been involved in a serious accident.
According to court records, USA Holiday has been involved in two other highway accidents, including one in which there people in another vehicle were sued. That case ended up being dismissed because the plaintiffs failed to satisfy a discovery request. The second case appears to have been settled, although the details are not yet available.
Prior to the recent casino bus accident, USA Holiday received six unsatisfactory ratings from the California Highway Patrol. Two of these unsatisfactory ratings arose from failing controlled substance and alcohol testing requirements.
Bus Accident Wrongful Death Case
The family of the passengers killed in the bus accident have the legal right to bring a wrongful death lawsuit in California. Certain family members are permitted the ability to sue a business or individual responsible for negligent conduct that resulted in the death of a family member. Examples of family members that can bring a wrongful death lawsuit against a company like USA Holiday include a spouse, child, parent, or sibling.
Through a bus accident wrongful death case, a personal injury attorney from a law firm like The Doan Law Firm, at 424-334-0000, can assist a family member in obtaining compensation for a variety of losses. These losses include:
- loss of companionship
- loss of consortium
- emotional distress
- medical bills
- funeral expenses
- lost income
Because of the track record of USA Holiday, punitive damages could also be a possibility in a bus accident wrongful death lawsuit. Punitive damages is an additional award of compensation given when the conduct of the negligent party is particularly reckless. With the information that has started to be made public about USA Holiday, an argument can be made that punitive damages are an appropriate remedy in this case.
Bus Accident Personal Injury Case
When a person is injured, like has happened in the USA Holiday bus accident case, he or she can pursue a personal injury lawsuit. The legal team at The Doan Law Firm includes experienced bus accident lawyers. A bus accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm can be reached by calling 424-334-0000.
Depending on the facts an circumstances of an accident like that involving the USA Holiday your bus, a person may be entitled to compensation for injuries and losses that include:
- pain and suffering
- emotinoal distress
- medical bills
- lodge wages
An injured person may be entitled to not only compensation for existing losses, but money for future losses reasonably expected to be incurred in the future. In addition, if a case ends up in court, punitive damages may also be awarded in the same way the possibly can be available in a wrongful death lawsuit.
Retain a Doan Law Firm Bus Accident Lawyer
The legal team at The Doan Law Firm has extensive experience in representing families in bus accident wrongful death cases. In addition, the attorneys at the firm also have extensive experience in representing individuals in bus accident personal injury cases as well.
A bus accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm will schedule an initial consultation with you. There is no cost and no obligation associated with an initial consultation. An initial consultation can be scheduled by calling the bus accident hot line at 424-334-0000. The telephone line at the firm is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including on all major holidays.
The Doan Law Firm uses a contingency fee arrangement for victims of business accidents. Through this type of fee agreement, a client pays no fee unless and until a bus accident attorney from the firm obtains a favorable settlement or judgment on behalf of a client.