Texting While Driving Likely Cause of New Braunfels Baptist Church Bus Accident
New Braunfels Baptist Church Bus Accident Lawyer Explains Legal Rights After Accident
A horrific collision involving a bus carrying choir members from the New Braunfels Baptist Church and a pickup truck occurred on highway in rural Texas the last of week of March, 2017. The catastrophic accident took place about 75 miles west of San Antonio. The accident occurred in the early afternoon as the choir members, all senior citizens, were returning from a retreat.
Only one passenger on the bus survived the accident, with 12 people being declared dead at the scene and one more dying several hours later. The driver of the pickup, a 20-year old man from a neighboring community, also survived. The sole passenger to survive the accident is in serious, but stable, condition at University Hospital.
Texting and Driving May be the Cause of the Church Bus Accident
Officials from the National Transportation Safety Board and the Texas Department of Public Safety have been tight-lipped about their investigation. Nonetheless, an eyewitness to the tragic accident revealed that the driver of the truck was texting while driving at the time of the accident.
The physical evidence does underscore that the pickup truck cross into the lane of traffic lawfully occupied by the bus at the time of the accident. The catastrophic head-on collision occurred at that time.
Two individuals traveling in another vehicle witnessed the accident. They report that they had observed the driver of the pickup for at least 15 minutes before the accident.
The couple report that the pickup truck driver was operating the vehicle erratically. They stated that the pickup was both veering off the roadway as well as into oncoming traffic.
The witnesses indicate that they called the sheriffs' departments in two counties to report the pickup truck driver. The indicate that they told the law enforcement agencies that they needed to get the pickup off the road before someone got hurt.
The pair then witnessed the accident. They quickly went to both vehicles involved in the accident. The driver of the pickup evidently told one of the two witnesses that he was texting at the time of the accident.
Texting and Driving in Texas
Although the Texas Legislature approved a statewide ban on texting while driving in 2011, the bill was vetoed by then-Governor Rick Perry. Texas is one of only a few states that does not have a ban on texting while driving.
Some localities in the state do have ordinances on the books regulating texting while driving. However, in the case of the church bus accident, the collision occurred in a rural area where there is lively no ban on texting and driving in place.
The fact that there is no statewide law in Texas banning texting while driving does not mean that a skilled, experienced Texas bus accident lawyer cannot successful make a claim or pursue a lawsuit on behalf of the family of a person killed in an accident. The bus accident legal team from The Doan Law Firm has extensive experience in pursuing cases involving distracted drivers of different types, including people who caused accidents because they were texting while driving.
Texas Bus Accident Wrongful Death Claims
Texas does have a law that permits certain family members of a person killed in a bus accident the ability to pursue a claim for compensation. Family members that can bring what is called a wrongful death case in Texas are:
- spouses
- children
- parents
Wrongful death claims and lawsuits are complicated legal matters. The family of a person killed in a church bus accident, or any other type of collision, is best served by taking a proactive stance in retaining legal representation, like hiring an attorney from The Doan Law Firm.
Learn About Your Rights After a Church Bus Accident
The Doan Law Firm maintains a bus accident hotline that is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, at (210) 904-0000. You an contact us right now and schedule an initial consultation at your convenience.
The Doan Law Firm maintains offices across the state of Texas, including an office conveniently located to New Braunfels at:
1777 NE Loop, 410 Suite 600
San Antonio, Texas 78217
We can also schedule an appointment with you at your home, or any other location, that may prove more convenient for you.
During an initial consultation, a church bus accident lawyer from our firm will provide you an evaluation of your case. In addition, an attorney from our firm will make sure you get answers to all of your questions. There is no charge for an initial consultation with a church bus accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm.
The Doan Law Firm also has an attorney fee promise for you. Our firm never charges an attorney fee unless we obtain a favorable settlement or judgment in your case.