Some of the most catastrophic types of roadway accidents across the United States involve semi-trucks. If you have been involved in a semi-truck accident, including one caused because of an intoxicated big-rig driver, you need to take a proactive stance to protect your vital legal interests. This includes retaining the professional services of a skilled, experienced semi-truck accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm at (800) 349-0000. Our semi-truck accident injury hotline is staffed around the clock.
Responsible Parties in an Intoxicated Semi-truck Driver Accident Case
A tenacious, experienced intoxicated semi-truck accident attorney from our firm will fight tirelessly to bring all responsible parties to justice. The reality is that it is highly likely that a drunk or otherwise intoxicated semi driver will not be the only party responsible for your injuries.
Other potentially responsible parties in a semi accident case can include the trucking company. There are situations in which a semi-truck has an owner-operator. However, in a majority of cases, the rig is likely owned by a trucking company which can be deemed responsible for the conduct of a driver.
The possibility also exists that the business that engaged a semi-truck to haul cargo can also be held responsible for an accident caused by an intoxicated commercial truck operator. If other factors contributed to accident beyond an inebriated driver, other parties may be brought into the mix as well. This might include the manufacturer of a commercial truck if a defect somehow contributed to an accident and your resulting injuries.
Concealing a Semi-truck Driver’s History
With alarming regularity, trucking companies conceal the histories of drivers when it comes to the use of alcohol while operating a big-rig. These companies fail to properly document failed alcohol tests which they are required to conduct from time-to-time. In addition, some trucking companies have improperly overlooked a semi-truck driver's history of being charged and convicted for driving under the influence.
In a case in which a discovery is made that a trucking company has failed to properly police its own drivers when it comes to alcohol consumption and intoxication, you may be in a position to seek more money in a case involving an accident. Your attorney may be able to seek what are known as punitive or exemplary damages on your behalf in a commercial truck accident lawsuit.
Punitive or exemplary damages represent additional compensation awarded in a semi-truck accident lawsuit when a demonstration is made that the conduct of a responsible party in causing or contributing to an accident is considered particularly reckless. When a trucking company fails to address a semi truck driver with a history of alcohol use or intoxication while driving, a case can be made that the trucking company is acting in a particularly reckless manner.
Punitive or exemplary damages in a semi accident case do more than just provide you with additional money. They are also designed to punish a party that caused or contributed to an accident for particularly egregious conduct.
Hire a Fighter from The Doan Law Firm
You can schedule an initial consultation with an experienced semi-truck accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm right now by calling (800) 349-0000. Our commercial truck accident injury hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, including all major holidays.
A skilled semi-truck accident lawyer from our firm can schedule an initial consultation with you at a time and place that is convenient for you. As a nationwide law firm, we have offices located across the United States. Depending on your circumstances, we can schedule an appointment with you at your home, or even at the hospital. We have the ability to arrange a virtual consultation with you online as well.