Major Injuries Follow and a Snow and Ice Accident
Snow and Ice Accident Lawyer at The Doan Law Firm Fight for Justice and Fair Compensation
With the winter season officially underway in December, weather conditions in many locations across the United States become quite treacherous with regularity. Indeed, in some locations across the country, relief from cold, snow, and ice doesn't really begin to occur until later in April. Although some people extol pleasant commentary about this time of year creating a winter wonderland, for some individuals, the winter months become a horrific experience because of snow and ice accidents of different types.
Although it is true that automobile accident rates increase when roadways are littered with snow and ice, these thoroughfares are not the only locations of serious wintertime accidents. A snow and ice accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm can explain that slip and fall injuries increase during the winter months.
If you have been injured because of a snow and ice accident involving a slip and fall, you need to understand your rights and interests. If a snow and ice accident occurred because of someone else's negligence, you need to exercise your right to obtain compensation for your injuries and other losses.
Local Ordinances and Snow and Ice Removal
Cities and towns across the United States have specific ordinances in place regarding the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks and other pathways utilized by business visitors and others. In addition, most localities have similar requirements for homeowners when it comes to clearing snow and ice from sidewalks in front of their residences.
If you have been injured because a business or homeowner failed to properly tend to accumulated snow and ice, the first step to take is to ascertain what the law is in your community regarding the removal of snow and ice. Although the violation of an ordinance alone may not be enough to firmly prove negligence in your case, it is likely to be a major component in proving a claim or lawsuit to recover for injuries and losses sustained in a snow and ice slip and fall incident.
Injuries from Snow and Ice Accidents
Research suggests that individuals who slip and fall because of snow and ice on a walkway oftentimes sustain greater injuries than is the case when a similar event occurs because of slipping on a liquid on the floor or ground. Because of the nature of snow and ice, a person's fall to the ground tends to be quicker and harder than is the case with a liquid spilled on the floor or ground. The accelerated rate of a fall, and harder impact, enhances the level of injuries sustained in a snow and ice accident.
In many cases, a person who slips and falls on snow and ice sustains considerable injuries. This particularly is the case if a person who slips and falls because of these wintertime conditions is older. In any event, commonly occurring injuries in a snow and ice accident include:
- broken bones
- wounds and lacerations
- soft tissue damage
- spinal cord damage
- traumatic brain injury
Broken bones are not minor injuries, particularly for a person over the age of 50. Broken hips are common injuries in snow and ice accidents. The shocking reality is that a broken hip can prove to be a death sentence for an older person. Each year, thousands of otherwise relatively healthy older Americans sustain broken hips, have to undergo surgery and die from complications related to the procedure. Traumatic brain injury and spinal cord damage can end up negatively impacting a victim of a wintertime slip and fall case for a lifetime.
Compensation in a Snow and Ice Accident Case
The nature and extent of injuries are the primary factors underlying compensation awarded in a snow and ice accident case. The conduct of the party responsible for an accident, particularly a party that failed to remove snow and ice from a public area in s timely manner, also impacts the amount of compensation awarded in a wintertime slip and fall case.
Examples of injuries and losses that are compensable in a snow and ice accident case include:
- medical expenses
- pain and suffering
- mental and psychological anguish
- permanent disability
- permanent disfigurement
- lost salary or wages
The serious nature of wintertime accidents renders it very likely that you will need compensation for future losses as well. A skilled snow and ice accident attorney from our law firm will fight on your behalf to ensure that you obtain full compensation for existing and future losses.
Future compensation includes financial recovery for ongoing medical bills as well as pain and suffering. You may not be able to return to work anytime soon. Future lost income will also be part of the financial compensation a member of our skillful legal team seeks on your behalf through an appropriate insurance settlement or judgment in a lawsuit.
Retain a Snow and Ice Accident Lawyer
The experienced, compassionate legal team at The Doan Law Office includes snow and ice accident lawyers. An initial consultation with a member of our legal team can be made by calling (800) 349-0000. Our winter injury hotline is staffed around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Our hotline operates all day and night on each and every major holiday as well.
We can schedule an appointment for you at any one of our offices located across the United States. We also have the capacity to schedule a virtual initial consultation with you, should that best meet your needs at this time. There is no cost for an initial consultation with a snow and ice accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm.
The Doan Law Firm
Offices coast-to-coast in the United States.
(800) 349-0000