One of the most horrific types of automobile accidents are those involving collisions with big-rigs or commercial trucks. The consequences of a commercial truck accident can be profound. Fatalities are common. Like-altering injuries are a likely result.
Understanding the ramifications of a semi-truck accident, key steps in protecting your legal rights and interests actually occur at the scene of the accident itself. With that noted, the reality is that a person involved in a commercial truck accident very well may be unable to take certain steps necessary to protect legal interests in the immediate aftermath of a truck accident. Nonetheless, understanding what should be done at the scene of a truck accident is important for any motorist to understand.
Photograph or Video the Truck Accident Scene
An important step to be taken in the immediate aftermath of a truck accident is memorializing the scene in photographs or video. Images should be taken of the accident scene from as many angles or vantage points as possible. This includes taking images from a distance, in order to lend perspective to the accident scene. The process also needs to include close-up photographs or video as well.
The images made of the accident scene should include all damage to any vehicle involved in the collision. In addition, whenever possible, images should be made of any injuries sustained as a result of the semi-truck accident.
Identify and Interview Witnesses
Another crucial step that should be taken at an accident scene is identifying witnesses to the incident. In addition, brief statements should be collected from witnesses. Videoing witness statements is an ideal method to memorialize witness statements at the scene of a commercial truck accident.
When collecting witness statements, you obviously want information from individuals who tend to favor your version of events. In addition, you want to make sure that you thoroughly document statements from individuals who may not be in complete agreement with your position regarding a commercial truck accident.
Retain a Skilled, Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer
You best protect your legal rights and interests by taking a proactive stance to retain an experienced truck accident lawyer, like a member of the legal team from The Doan Law Firm. Our firm maintains a 24-hour truck accident injury hotline at (800) 349-0000.
You can call our hotline any day of the week, 52 weeks a year. You can schedule an initial consultation with a truck accident attorney from our firm any time that is convenient to you. We are a nationwide law firm, with offices located from coast-to-coast. We can also schedule an initial appointment with you at your home, or even at a hospital, depending on your circumstances. We can schedule a virtual consultation via the Internet as well.
Our firm charges no fee for an initial consultation with a commercial truck lawyer. We charge no fee in a commercial truck accident case unless we obtain a favorable settlement or judgment for you.