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Shared Responsibility for Causing a Commercial Truck Accident


Understand Your Legal Rights With a Doan Law Firm Truck Accident Lawyer

If you were involved in a commercial truck accident, you face an array of unique issues that do not exist in cases involving collisions between automobiles. A key issue you face when pursuing an insurance claim, or a lawsuit, in the aftermath of a commercial truck accident, is addressing the matter of shared responsibility for the collision.

The reality is that in nearly every commercial truck accident claim or case, multiple parties will be deemed legally responsible for the accident. A commercial truck accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm at (800) 349-0000 can meet with you and explain how shared responsibility for a truck accident may be an issue in your case. Our truck accident telephone hotline is staffed 24 hours a day. You can call us anytime.

Parties Potentially Responsible for Your Accident

The parties deemed responsible for causing a truck accident depend on the facts and circumstances leading up to and surrounding the collision itself. With that noted, there are some parties that commonly are held responsible for causing a commercial truck accident. These include:

  • truck driver
  • truck owner or trucking company
  • truck manufacturer
  • truck parts manufacturer
  • maintenance provider
  • another motorist

You May Legally Share Some Responsibility for Your Accident

Most states have what is called a system of comparative negligence. This means that the manner in which all parties contributed to an accident comes into play in determining the extent to which each individual party is at fault. You will be included in that calculation. In other words, an examination is made as to whether and to what extent you contributed to causing an accident involving a commercial truck.

The amount of any settlement or judgment is reduced by the percentage of your contribution to the accident. For example, if you are deemed to be 10 percent responsible for the accident, any settlement or judgment in your case will be reduced by 10 percent.

There are other elements associated with the process of comparing negligence in a commercial truck accident case. You can learn more about these elements through a consultation with a truck accident lawyer from our firm.

The Doan Law Firm has an attorney fee guarantee in a commercial truck accident case. Our firm will never charge you an attorney fee in your case unless we obtain a favorable settlement or judgment for you. We utilize what is called a contingency fee agreement. Through this arrangement, if we win your case, the fee will be an agreed percentage of any settlement or judgment we obtain for you.
