Protect Your Legal Rights When Afflicted with Truck Accident PTSD
Hire a Fighter from the Legal Team at The Doan Law Firm
Physical injuries in the aftermath of a commercial truck accident can be profound. Indeed, many people who are the victims of commercial truck accidents end up suffering from truly debilitating physical injuries.
With that said, following a big rig accident, a person can also face profound issues of emotional distress and mental anguish, particularly post traumatic stress syndrome. The legal team at The Doan Law Office at (800) 349-0000 represents clients suffering from truck accident post traumatic stress disorder.
PTSD Stemming From a Truck Accident
Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a prime example of a mental health disorder that can rise as a the result of a commercial truck accident. PTSD is a serious mental health condition that potentially can develop in the aftermath of an individual experienced a traumatic event. Typically, the nature of the event was such that the individual experienced physical harm, or ran the risk of experience serious physical injury because of the incident in question.
Accidents involving large commercial trucks are prime examples of the type of incident than can give rise to PTSD. The stark reality of a commercial truck collision with an automobile is that the driver and any passengers in the car are highly likely to face serious injuries. A collision between a big rig and an automobile can be positively terrifying.
The consequences of PTSD include a person experiencing a gambit of emotions that include shock, anger, nervousness, fear, and even guilt. Although any individual can experience some, or all, if these emotions in the aftermath of a significant life event, a person ultimately diagnosed with PTSD faces these issues in a markedly different way.
A person who has a healthier response to emotions like shock, anger, nervousness, fear, and even guilt sees them fade over time. On the other hand, a person who ends up diagnosed with PTSD not only experiences no dissipation of these emotions, but faces an increase in their severity over time. Medical experts classify an individual of suffering from PTSD following a semi-truck accident is he or she experiences these types of emotions for longer than one month, and the intensity of these emotions is increasing over that time period.
Claim for Compensation for Truck Accident PTSD
A person involved in truck accident caused by the negligence of another party typically can make a claim for compensation to address emotional distress and psychological issues. A truck accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm has the skillset and tenacity necessary to pursue a claim on behalf of a client who suffers emotional distress, or psychological harm, in the aftermath of a truck accident.
A key element in making a claim for compensation for truck accident PTSD is developing the evidence necessary to support such a claim. At the heart of developing evidence to support a claim for PTSD is the assistance of a reputable expert with a specialization in the field of diagnosing and treating patients afflicted with PTSD.
A truck accident lawyer from the legal team at The Doan Law Firm has access to experts who can provide vital support in the development of a claim for compensation for truck accident PTSD.
Another important element in making a claim for PTSD truck accident compensation is addressing future losses. The troubling reality of post traumatic stress syndrome is the fact that many individuals can suffering from PTSD for years, or even a lifetime, in the aftermath of a commercial truck accident.
A tenacious lawyer from our legal team will be committed to ensuring that you obtain compensation for all your current or existing losses. A truck accident lawyer from The Doan Law Office will also fight tirelessly to ensure that you obtain appropriate compensation for losses that you reasonably can be expected to face into the future, including losses associated with PTSD.
Examples of future losses you may face because of truck accident PTSD include:
- ongoing psychological care and treatment
- lost wages
- PTSD-associated mental anguish and emotional distress
- lost opportunities
Retain a Doan Law Firm Truck Accident Lawyer
You can schedule an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm truck accident lawyer any time, day or night, by calling our personal injury hotline at (800) 349-0000. There is no charge for an initial consultation. In fact, The Doan Law Firm charges no fee in a truck accident case unless we obtain a favorable settlement or judgment for you in your case.