How to Document Properly a Truck Accident Scene
Hire a Fighter: Retain a Doan Law Firm Truck Accident Lawyer
In the aftermath of a truck accident, documenting the scene is vital This includes gathering images or videos of the truck accident as well as identifying and obtaining statements from witnesses. Odds are if you are the victim of a truck accident you will not be able to undertake these tasks on your own. You need to do your best to obtain assistance from another individual when it comes to gathering evidence from the scene of a truck accident.
Images Matter
A key element associated with documenting a truck accident scene is videoing or photographing the area. In this day and age, with the ubiquitous availability of mobile devices that make quality video and photos, memorializing a truck accident scene with video or photos is not a daunting task.
The video of the scene should include the area of the collision from all possible angles. Indeed, if a video is made, it can continue rolling as the person taking the shots moves from one angle to another.
If at all possible, the video or photos should also capture injuries sustained because of the accident. Of course, depending on the nature and extent of the injuries, and the status of the injured person or persons, this may not be a viable objective directly after the accident. The directions contained here for videography and photo taking is what ideally is accomplished if the safety and welfare of people involved in the accident, and others, permits.
In the grand scheme of things, images taken at the scene of the accident itself are powerful tools and resources when it comes to attempting to reach a settlement with an insurance company or pursuing a judgment for compensation in a lawsuit. Although certainly a cliché, there is a great deal of truth to the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to pursuing a claim for financial recovery for personal injuries arising from a truck accident.
Witness Statements
Another key task to undertake at the scene of a truck when at all possible is identifying witnesses and obtaining concise statements from them. A mobile device with video capabilities can be a great resource when it comes to witness identification and statements.
When it comes to garnering information from witnesses to a truck accident, the data to be collected includes:
- full legal name
- street address
- phone numbers (multiple ones, if possible)
- email address
- name of a friend or family member (alternate contact)
- concise statement of what witness observed
Keep in mind that a witness observes an event using more than just his or her sense of sight. Make sure to ask what a witness saw, heard, and even smelled or felt at the time of an accident.
Maintain statements made by a witness that may not seem favorable to your version of events that transpired at the time of the accident. In fact, what might seem to contradict your version of events may in reality be a recapitulation that technically supports what you allege occurred at the time of the truck accident. A skilled, experienced truck accident attorney, like a member of the legal team at The Doan Law Office, can flesh out the usefulness of a witness statement.
Retain a Skilled, Committed Doan Law Firm Truck Accident Lawyer
The Doan Law Firm maintains a truck accident injury hotline that is staffed around-the-clock, 365 days a year, including all major holidays, You can call the hotline at (800) 349-0000 right now to schedule an initial consultation with an experience truck accident lawyer from our legal team.
During an initial consultation, a truck accident lawyer from our firm will provide an evaluation of your case, including what might remain to be done to buttress evidence collected from the accident scene. Legal counsel will also provide answers to your questions. There is no charge for an initial consultation with a truck accident attorney from our firm.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee promise. We never charge a fee for our services unless we obtain a favorable settlement or judgment for you in your truck accident case.