What are Punitive of Exemplary Damages in a Semi-Truck Accident Case
No other type of roadway accident has the potential to cause death and horrific injuries than a collision between a semi-truck and an automobile. If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident, you need to take steps to immediately protect your legal interests. This includes retaining the professional assistance of a skilled, experienced semi-truck accident lawyer.
The Doan Law Office maintains a semi-truck accident hotline that is open and in operation 24 hours a day. You can call the semi-truck accident hotline at (800) 349-0000 to obtain more information about protecting your legal interests.
One key element of protecting your legal interests following a semi-accident is obtaining appropriate compensation. In some situations, a person like you injured in a commercial truck accident case may be entitled to what are known as punitive or exemplary damages.
Optimizing Compensation in Your Semi-Accident Case
There is no way in which to obtain complete justice for you following a semi-truck accident. The closest that you can get to a sense of justice is obtaining appropriate compensation for your injuries, damages, and losses. A skilled, experienced semi-truck accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm will fight tirelessly to ensure that you obtain full and fair compensation in your case.
Optimizing compensation includes making certain that you obtain full financial recovery for losses that include:
- pain and suffering
- medical bills and expenses
- mental anguish and emotional distress
- lost wages
- permanent disability
- permanent disfigurement
You are likely not only entitled to suitable compensation for your existing losses but also for losses that you reasonably can be expected to face in the future because of the semi-truck accident and your injuries. For example, you are likely to need medical care and treatment, like physical therapy, in the future. You may endure chronic pain. You may not be able to return to work anytime soon. All of these represent the types of future losses that you can reasonably anticipate facing and for which you may be entitled to compensation.
Depending on the facts and circumstances of your case, compensation may be optimized with the assistance of a member of our truck accident legal team, by seeking what are known as punitive or exemplary damages.
Understanding Punitive Damages
Punitive damages or exemplary represent additional financial compensation that is not available in all semi-truck accident cases. Punitive or exemplary damages are awarded as part of a verdict or judgment in a lawsuit when certain criteria are met.
Punitive damages may be ordered in a semi-accident lawsuit when the conduct of a party believed to be responsible for an accident is deemed to be especially egregious or reckless. For example, if a semi-driver is speeding through a school zone, while texting, and drives through an intersection right away, the commercial truck driver may be deemed to have acted in a particularly reckless or egregious manner leading up to and including the accident in question.
Punitive damages are designed not only to provide you additional compensation in the aftermath of a semi-truck accident but to serve as a form of punishment of the party that caused the accident because of particularly reckless conduct. A skilled, experienced semi-truck accident lawyer, like a member of the legal team at the Doan Law Firm, is in the best position to make a compelling argument in a lawsuit for the awarding of punitive damages in a case.
The Doan Law Firm Attorney Fee Guarantee
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. We will never charge you a fee for our services unless we obtain a favorable settlement of judgment for you.
Retain a Semi-Truck Accident Attorney from The Doan Law Firm
The first step in retaining a qualified, tenacious semi-truck accident attorney is scheduling an initial consultation with a member of The Doan Law Firm's legal team. You can schedule an initial consultation by calling our truck accident hotline at (800) 349-0000. We can schedule an initial consultation with you at any one of our 30-plus offices located nationwide or at your home. We can also schedule a virtual consultation with you online.