Hire a Fighter: Retain The Doan Law Firm in Your Semi-truck Accident Case
A semi-truck accident can have catastrophic consequences. If you've been involved in a semi accident, you must take forceful steps to protect your legal rights. This includes hiring an experienced, skilled, tenacious semi-truck accident lawyer to protect these rights. A semi-truck accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm at (800) 349-0000 stands ready to discuss your case right away.
A key element of successfully pursuing a claim for compensation following a semi-truck accident is getting the bottom of what caused the collision to occur in the first instance. Oftentimes, there can be more than one cause for a semi accident. In some instances, prior conduct of the big rig operator or the trucking company caused or contributed to the accident.
Unfortunately, one category of improper conduct by a semi driver or a trucking company underlies a commercial truck accident in a surprising number of situations. This is the doctoring, altering, or improper preparation of logs and other documents that are to be maintained in regard to the operation of a commercial semi-truck.
Doctored Semi Driver Logs
One of the key types of documentation that a commercial truck driver, and an associated trucking company, must maintain is an accurate operator's log. This is the log that sets forth with specificity the times at which a driver operated a rig and time during which the driver was on a legally mandated break.
A commercial truck driver is only permitted to operate a rig for a specific amount of time. Following the expiration of that time period, a truck driver must take a break from driving for a set period of time. The maximum period of drive time, and the minimum period of rest time must be followed. The idea is that after driving for the maximum period of time, a driver must have a break that includes a minimum amount of sleep.
Unfortunately, this is one are in which document tampering occurs. Time and again, drivers operate a rig over the maximum time permitted, and rest and sleep less than the minimum mandated time. On top of that, certain drivers and trucking companies doctor records to reflect compliance.
Even more alarming, this alteration of documents that are legally required to be accurately maintained occurs in the aftermath of a catastrophic semi-truck accident. You need to be aware of this possibility if you have been involved in an accident.
The potential for this type of record doctoring underscores the need to take immediate action to protect your legal rights and interests in the aftermath of a semi-truck accident. An experienced semi-truck accident lawyer understands what must be done in order to preserve and protect evidence, including documentation of this nature, in the aftermath of a big rig accident.
Altered Records Regarding Alcohol or Drug Tests
Another are in which records associated with a semi driver are doctored or altered, or not prepared at all, are those associated with alcohol and drug tests. On a related note, there are also instances in which a commercial truck driver or trucking company obscures of alters documentation associated with a driver's failed alcohol or drug test or even associated with a DUI arrest or prosecution.
Having access to these records, or being able to demonstrate failed alcohol or drug tests, or a DUI prosecution, have occurred can be crucial in the pursuit of a claim for compensation following a semi-truck accident. Once again, this underscores the need to retain a skilled semi-truck accident attorney, like a member of the legal team at The Doan Law Firm.
Contact A Semi-Truck Accident from The Doan Law Firm Today
The Doan Law Firm semi-truck accident hotline is staffed around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. You can call us right now at (800) 349-0000 and schedule a initial consultation immediately. We are a nationwide law firm, with offices located across the country. There is no charge for an initial consultation with a member of our legal team.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee promise to you. We never charge a fee unless we win a settlement or judgment for you.