Comprehensive Commercial Truck Accident Compensation Must Cover Personal Injury and Property Loss
Every week, California semi-truck accidents occur that result in significant losses. These losses include those arising from personal injuries, and even deaths, associated with these truck accidents. Losses arising from California semi-truck accidents that cause damage to property as well.
If you've been involved in an accident with a semi-truck, you undoubtedly have questions about the extent of compensation to which you are entitled. This very well may include a desire for information about what types of property losses for which you are entitled to seek compensation.
Oftentimes, a good deal of the discussion surrounding financial recovery and commercial truck accidents understandably centers on personal injury issues. However, there are situations in which California semi-truck accidents result in a significant amount of property loss. The California semi-truck accident involving a million bees illustrates this point.
The Genesis of a California Commercial Truck Accident
In this case, no one was injured in a highway accident involving a semi-truck. The stark reality is that most California semi-truck accidents end up with passengers in automobiles involved in the collisions being seriously injured. Indeed, in a vast majority of these types of accidents, at least one passenger in a car is killed.
In this case, the big rig operator maintains that he had to drive his semi off the road at a relatively high rate of speed in order to avoid colliding with an automobile. This presents an issue as to whether the semi-truck driver was operating the vehicle in a negligent or reckless manner before he was obliged to make this maneuver to avoid colliding with a car. For example, was the driver distracted, impaired, or speeding before he drove the vehicle off the road?
One Million Bees
As mentioned previously, this particular accident illustrates that property damage can prove to be an important issue in a California truck accident case. In this situation, happily, no one was injured, let alone killed. But, one million bees needed to be euthanized as a direct result of the accident.
The value of one million bees? Between one and two million dollars. This was no small financial loss.
The bees were being transported from Montana to California to be used to pollinate almond trees. The bees needed to be euthanized to prevent them from swarming, which would have had terrible consequences in and of itself.
Legal Representation to Ensure Full Compensation
As was noted, when it comes to a California semi-truck accident, the focus is nearly always on compensation for personal injuries. This accident illustrates the necessity to retain legal counsel who fights for compensation on all levels, including personal injury and property loss.
The legal team at The Doan Law Firm has extensive experience in representing people in all types of motor vehicle accident cases, including those involving semis. You can connect with a California semi-truck accident lawyer from The Doan Law Firm by calling (800) 349-0000. The semi-truck accident hotline is staffed around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days each week, 52 weeks a year.
During an initial consultation, you will receive an evaluation of your case. In addition, you will have a chance to get answers to any questions about compensation for your personal injuries and your property loss. There is no charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm California semi-trick accident lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm Attorney Fee Promise
The Doan Law Firm never charges an attorney fee unless the firm wins a favorable settlement or judgment in your case.