Even though COVID-19 stay at home directives loom over most the United States, there is increasing talk – even among acclaimed infectious disease specialists – that we are likely to begin seeing easing of the isolation orders associated with the coronavirus pandemic within coming weeks. In other words, odds are growing a bit stronger every day that most people in the United States will be able to engage in certain activities typically associated with the summertime … perhaps beginning a bit later in the summer. With that in mind, you are wise to be aware of some the most commonplace types of injuries that occur more often in the summer. Some of these injuries primarily are caused by an individual’s own mistake or lack of attention. On the other hand, other injuries on this list frequently occur because of the negligence of someone else.
The most commonly occurring summertime injuries, from most to least frequent, are:
- Heat-related illness
- Swimming, Drowning, and aquatic injuries
- Cuts and burns
- Food poisoning
- Insect bites and other skin irritations
- Sunburns
Swimming, Drowning, and Aquatic Injuries
On average, over 3,500 fatal drowning accidents occurs in the United States every year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These are nonboating related drownings that occur in public pools, at swim and country clubs, community pools, and residential pools. In many instances, negligence underlies these types of drowning deaths.
About 20 percent of fatal drowning accidents involve children who are 14 years of age and under. In addition to the approximately 700 drowning deaths involving children, between 3,500 to 4,000 children are admitted to emergency rooms across the country because of nonfatal drowning injuries. These types of injuries include:
- Severe brain damage
- Memory problems
- Learning disabilities
- Permanent loss of basic functioning (also known as permanent vegetative state)
There is a trio of more common underlying reasons why a drowning occurs in the first place. These three reasons are:
- Lack of proper supervision
- Pools without safety barriers
- Lack of proper swimming instruction
Other Injuries Caused by Lack of Proper Supervision
- Heated-related illness
- Cuts and burns
- Sunburns
While a frequent underlying cause of a drowning or other type of swimming or aquatic accident is lack of attention (distracted lifeguard, for example), there are three other types of summertime injuries that can also involve this type of conduct. Such a situation typically involves a child left in the case of someone else. For example, a child enrolled in summer camp might end up injured in or another of these ways
Fortunately, overall, this trio of injuries typically do not result in death. However, children and adults do die each summer from heat-related illness.
Injuries in Restaurant, Taverns, and Other Public Establishments
The summer months also tend to see a spike in the number of injuries in restaurants, taverns, nightclubs, and other public spaces. The two most commonplace of injuries that arise in these types of settings are:
- Slip and fall injuries
- Food poisoning
A number of serious injuries do arise in slip and fall cases on pool decks, in grocery stores, in restaurants, and other public locations. Indeed, these are among the most commonplace types of accidents in the U.S.A. Slip and fall accidents in the summertime can result in severe injuries that include traumatic brain injury, broken bones (including broken hips), and other trauma.
Protecting Your Vital Legal Rights After a Summertime Injury
If you or a loved have been injured in a drowning, aquatic, or some other type of summertime accident caused by the negligence of someone else, you need to protect your legal rights. The Doan Law Firm maintains a personal injury lawyer hotline at (800) 349-0000. You can call us any time of the day or night, 365 days a year, including all major holidays.
A nationwide law practice, we’ve offices located from coast to coast across the country. We can arrange an initial consultation and case evaluation at one of our offices, at your home, or at any location convenient to you. We can also schedule a virtual consultation online. There is no fee for an initial consultation
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee promise to you. We never charge an attorney fee unless we win for you.