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Life in Quarantine: Auto Accidents Down, Kitchen Burn Injuries Up


Life for nearly all Americans is markedly different during the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly different than what existed at the beginning of 2020. One interesting development is that motor vehicle accidents have significantly decreased since the stay at home policies have been put in place across the country. The decline has been so significant that some automobile insurance companies have issued or will be issuing premium rebates to customers.

While automobile accidents, injuries, and deaths have decreased because a large percentage of the U.S. population are confined to home for significant swaths of time, burn injuries are on the upswing as the result of mishaps in the kitchen.

Some of these kitchen burn accidents are the result of the negligence of folk making a meal. On the other hand, there are burn accidents and resulting injuries that are caused by defective products being used by consumers otherwise going about their day to day lives.

In a moment, we explore what you need to do to protect your legal interests if you or a loved one suffers a burn injury at home as the result of defective appliance or other product. First, we turn our attention to some fundamental safety tips to keep in mind when cooking in the kitchen. By applying these tactics, you reduce the risk of burn injury.

10 Tips to Avoid Burn Injury in the Kitchen

  1. Never leave appliances or equipment unattended when cooking. According to the U.S. Red Cross, this is the number one cause of burn injuries in the United States.
  2. Keep your pets out of the kitchen when cooking. Keep the number of other people to a minimum in the kitchen when cooking.
  3. Never let children sit near the stove, even when you are present in the kitchen.
  4. Keep electrical appliance cords and hot object out of the reach of children.
  5. Do not pour water on a grease fire.
  6. Keep paper towels and napkins, cloth towels and napkins, oven mitts, potholders, and any other flammable item away from the stove, over, or other appliances that generate heat when in use.
  7. Do not wear “billowy” garment when cooking, including bathrobes.
  8. If you’re clothing catches on fire, immediately cover your face, drop to the floor, and roll to extinguish the flames.
  9. Do not drink alcohol or other mind-altering substances when cooking.
  10. Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen at all times.

Types of Burns caused by Kitchen Accidents

There are trio of commonplace types of burn accidents that occur in kitchens. These are:

  • Fire
  • Scalding
  • Chemical

Levels or Degrees of Burns caused by Kitchen Accidents

There are three levels of burns caused by kitchen accidents. These are:

  • First degree burns: non-blistered, red skin
  • Second degree burns: blistered skin with some thickening
  • Third degree burns: widespread skin thickness with a white and leathery appearance

What to do if You Suffer Burns Because of a Defective Appliance

The first step you absolutely must take if you suffer burns as a result of defective appliance is to seek prompt medical attention. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a problem has arisen with people suffering from serious health issues failing to seek medical attention out of fear of contracting the virus in medical facilities. This has included people who suffered heart attacks, strokes, and serious injuries arising out of accidents.

Your health and welfare depend on prompt medical attention when you suffer significant burns as the results of a defective appliance. In addition, making a claim for compensation from a manufacturer of a defective appliance depends upon solid medical evidence supporting your injuries, the type of data provided in part by a treating physician.

A Doan Law Firm burn injury lawyer is available any time to discuss your injuries and your legal rights. We can be reached around the clock at (800) 349-0000. A nationwide law practice, we’ve offices from coast to coast in the United States. We can also schedule a virtual consultation with a burn injury lawyer online with you at your convenience.

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