An alarming 10 percent of the high school population will be sexually assaulted before graduation. A higher number of female students are sexually assaulted each year. A majority of perpetrators are men, males who sexually assault male and female students. In recent years, an increasing number of female teachers have been found sexually assaulting students. As is the case with male perpetrators, female perpetrators can be found assaulting men and women.
Why Female Teachers Are More Frequently Found Sexually Assaulting Students
A stark reality is that headlines have been made in increasing numbers in recent years about female teachers sexually assaulting their students. The immediate reaction among many people is that there has been an increase in the number of teachers sexually assaulting and abusing students.
There very well may have been a slight increase in the rate of female teachers sexually assaulting students. The primary reason why more headlines are being made about female teachers molesting students is because in recent times a focus has been placed on this type of criminal activity. For many years, the reality of female teachers sexually assaulting their students was hushed-up, covered-up.
Female Perpetrators of Sexual Assault and Vulnerable Male Students
Like their male counterparts, female perpetrators of sexual assault in the education arena tend to target vulnerable male students as their prey. Their targets tend to be boys in their charge who may be socially isolated among their peers. They may also be boys who are having some sort of problem on the home front. For example, their parents may have fairly recently divorced or a parent may even have died in the relatively recent past.
Female Students Victimized by Female Sexual Predators in a School Setting
Another area of female teachers assaulting their students that remains quite in the dark are those situations in which the victimization involves girl students. The targets of these teachers do tend to be particularly vulnerable girls who are struggling with their own sexuality. There are also situations in which the targets of these teachers are girls struggling with the gender identity.
Cultural Norms and Male Student Victims of Sexual Assault
As mentioned previously, the matter of female teachers sexually victimizing students has been overlooked and underreported up until fairly recent times. The main reason why this is the case is because of what can be called prevailing cultural norms associated with male students who were the victims of sexual assault by their female teachers.
Another historic reality associated with female teachers who sexually assaulted their male students is found in the fact that boy oftentimes believed this type of victimization was considered a proverbial badge of honor in their eyes. As a consequence, boys rarely reported this type of victimization to anyone in a position of authority. At best, it was the talk of locker room talk among their peers.
The Criminal Justice System and Female Teachers Who Sexual Assault Students
There has been an increase in the number of female teachers who are prosecuted for sexually assaulting male students. With that said, a significant number of female teachers outed for sexually molesting students don’t end up being charged with a crime.
Even in those instances in which a female teacher is charged and convicted for sexually molesting a student, the penalty imposed is minimal in many cases. Long jail sentences are not a likely outcome in a case in which a female teacher is convicted for sexually assaulting a student.
Justice for Victims of Sexual Assault by Female Teachers
In this day and age, justice in a case involving a female teacher who has sexually molested a student oftentimes is found by pursuing a civil action. A sexual abuse victim lawyer from The Doan Law Firm can explain a victim’s legal rights in a case involving a female teacher through an initial consultation. You can arrange an initial consultation and case evaluation by calling (800) 349-0000. There is no charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm sexual abuse victim lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm makes at attorney fee guarantee to you. Our firm never charges a fee in a sex abuse or sex assault case unless we win for you.