At The Doan Law Firm, we usually post updates from our fraternity hazing database each calendar quarter along with an annual summary. However, the first month of the new year saw a record 15 fraternities that were suspended by their host schools. In today’s post our fraternity hazing injury lawyer presents a list of college fraternities that were either temporarily suspended pending investigation, suspended for at least 1 year, or permanently expelled by their host institutions. The 15 fraternities were:
- Sigma Phi Epsilon (Lamar and Oregon)
- Zeta Beta Tau (Syracuse and Ohio State)
- Alpha Epsilon Pi (Penn State)
- Delta Chi (Lehigh)
- Kappa Sigma (New Mexico State)
- Phi Delta Theta (Ohio State)
- Phi Gamma Delta (Syracuse)
- Pi Kappa Alpha (George Washington)
- Sigma Chi (Central Florida)
- Sigma Phi Epsilon (Lamar)
- Sigma Pi (Ohio State)
- Theta Chi (San Diego State)
- Theta Xi (Lehigh)
Fraternities Expelled From Campus
In January, three fraternities were expelled by their host schools. On January 17th Lamar University announced that Sigma Phi Epsilon was ordered off campus after the local chapter’s charter was revoked by the fraternity’s national headquarters over violations of hazing policies. On January 27th George Washington University announced that the local chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha had been ordered to dissolve after its national headquarters revoked its charter for undisclosed violations of school and national policies. On January 30th San Diego State announced that Theta Chi was being expelled from campus after its national charter was revoked due to hazing and conduct policies
Schools With More Than One Fraternity Suspension
Three schools announced they had suspended more than one fraternity during January. The schools were:
On January 9th Syracuse announced that two fraternities had been suspended. Zeta Beta Tau was suspended through the end of 2020 over violations of hazing, conduct, and alcohol polices. Phi Gamma Delta was also temporarily suspended pending investigation of undisclosed school policy violations.
Ohio State
On January 13th Ohio State announced that three fraternities had been suspended, all for violations of the school’s hazing and alcohol policies. The fraternities suspended were:
- Phi Delta Theta, suspended until August of 2024
- Sigma Pi, suspended until August of 2023
- Zeta Beta Tau, suspended until August of 2023
Lehigh University
On January 28th Lehigh University announced that the Delta Chi and Theta Xi fraternities had been placed on interim suspension pending investigation of reports of violations of school conduct and alcohol policies
In addition to the above-mentioned fraternity suspensions, Lehigh University announced a “pause” of all fraternity and sorority new member recruitment and a ban on all Greek activities that are not related to fraternity and sorority business matters, essentially banning all parties and social events. Lehigh also ordered that all fraternity and sorority houses are to be alcohol free, including beer and wine. Lehighofficials said the temporary ban was ordered after the university received complaints from the parents of prospective members, and via a university “hotline,” regarding excessive alcohol consumption at Greek-sponsored parties as well as reports of alcohol being provided to underage students.
Contacting a Fraternity Hazing Injury Lawyer
If you are the parent of a college student who was injured due to fraternity hazing, we invite you to contact The Doan Law Firm to arrange a free confidential review of the facts in your fraternity hazing injury case and consultation with our fraternity hazing injury lawyer to discuss the legal options that may be available to you.
When you contact our firm, your case review and first consultation with our fraternity hazing injury lawyer are always free and do obligate you to hire us as your legal counsel. Should you decide that a fraternity hazing lawsuit is your best course of action, and that you would like for us to represent you in court, we are willing to assume full responsibility for all aspects of preparing your fraternity hazing injury case for trial in exchange for a percentage of the final settlement we are prepared to win for you.