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Court Sets Deadline for Claims in Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Case!

In earlier posts our Boy Scout sexual abuse lawyer discussed the Boy Scouts of America’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy case and how that case could affect a sexual abuse victim’s legal right to compensation. We also discussed how local Boy Scout councils could also be held liable in sexual abuse lawsuits. In today’s post, the Boy Scout sexual abuse lawyer at The Doan Law Firm reports on the new deadline imposed by the bankruptcy court for filing a sexual abuse claim against the Boy Scouts of America at the national level.

According to the Insurance Journal, lawyers representing the Boy Scouts of America and victims’ lawyers have agreed to a November 16, 2020 deadline for victims to file a sexual abuse claim or be forever barred from filing a claim after that date. Local Boy Scout councils could still face legal actions under each state’s civil and statutes of limitations law but, at the national level, the Boy Scouts of America cannot be named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed after the November 16th deadline. This deadline set by the court does not apply if a Boy Scouts sexual abuse lawsuit was filed before June 1st, 2020.

According to documents filed with courts in other Boy Scout sexual abuse cases, there have been more than 12,000 boys who were molested by almost 8,000 abusers since the 1920s. Most of the more recently filed cases date back to the 1960s through the 1980s. The Boy Scouts now requires criminal background checks on its volunteers and has ordered sexual abuse awareness and prevention training for its national staff and volunteer Boy Scout leaders. Unfortunately, these measures came too late to protect many Boy Scout sexual abuse victims.

At The Doan Law Firm, we understand that it takes courage for any sexual abuse victim to come forward and report abuse that happened years ago. We also understand that many sexual abuse victims have suffered years of psychological and emotional trauma as a result of their abuse.

If you were the victim of Boy Scout sexual abuse, you may be entitled to compensation. We invite you to contact the Boy Scout sexual abuse Lawyer at The Doan Law Firm to arrange a free, no obligation, review of your Boy Scout sexual abuse case by our sexual abuse lawyer and a review of the legal options that may be available to help you receive the compensation you deserve.

When you contact our firm, your case will be reviewed by our Boy Scout sexual abuse lawyer who will then speak with you personally to review the legal options that may be available to you. Should you decide that a lawsuit is in your best interest and that you would like for us to represent you in court, we are willing to assume full responsibility for all aspects of preparing your case for trial in exchange for an agreed-upon percentage of the final settlement that we are prepared to win for you.

The November deadline for filing a Boy Scouts of America lawsuit is rapidly approaching. To protect your legal right to compensation, contact The Doan Law Firm today!
