A 21-year-old woman was admitted to the Springfield Regional Medial Center, a hospital serving the needs of people in and around Las Vegas. As part of her admission to the medical center, her blood sugar levels were at issue. Unfortunately, the doctor overseeing her care and treatment failed to properly monitor and manage her blood sugars.
A person’s brain requires appropriate blood sugar levels to function properly. Due to the failure of the patient’s doctor to monitor and manage her blood sugar levels, the woman faced a life-altering health calamity. The woman’s blood sugar levels dropped extremely low, resulting in a catastrophic malfunction of her brain.
The net effect of this medical disaster was severe brain damage that impacted the woman on many levels. At the age of 21, the patient was left completely incapable to taking care of herself on any level. She can’t communicate, walk, use or hands, or do anything that a healthy person take for granted.
Due to the failure of the doctor to manage and maintain the patient’s proper blood sugar levels, due to the resulting brain damage, the woman is now unable to speak, walk, even feed herself. She requires around the clock care. She will need 24 hour a day care and assistance for the rest of her life.
Clinically speaking, there is no realistic prospect that this woman will ever improve. In addition, traumatic brain injury of this nature doesn’t cut a person’s life short in and of itself. As a consequence, this victim of medical negligence very well may suffer from the consequences of this medical malpractice for decades.
As an aside, it is important to note than many traumatic brain injuries that result in profound impairment and disability occur at the time a baby is born. Thus, the dire consequences of a traumatic brain injury impact a truly innocent person’s entire lifetime.
Medical Negligence and Brain Damage Statistics
Negligence associated with medical care and treatment results in the death of over 700 people each and every day of the year. Thousands of these unfortunate individuals are afflicted with permanent traumatic brain injuries as a result of an error committed by a physician, surgeon, or other healthcare professional. As is the case with the woman suffering lifelong injuries discussed a moment ago, a considerable percentage of these individuals with traumatic brain injuries suffer profound impairments or disabilities that will last the course of a lifetime.
One in 60 people in the United States suffers from some type of traumatic brain injury, generally caused by medical errors or medical malpractice, accidents, and health issues like a stroke. Approximately 5.3 million people in the country have disabilities, including severe ones like those afflicting the woman discussed a moment ago.
Almost half of the people hospitalized for a traumatic brain injury have at least one unmet need associated with day to day living upon their release from a medical center. Oftentimes, this is the result of a lack of insurance or savings to cover such expenses. This stark reality underscores the need for not only medical but legal assistance in the aftermath of an incident that results in some type of traumatic brain injury.
Legal Rights of a Person with a Profound Traumatic Brain Injury
A person with a profound traumatic brain injury faces a truly challenging life. The case of the woman who suffers a traumatic brain injury discussed here illustrates how extreme those challenges can become. If a traumatic brain injury stems from the negligence of a healthcare provider, a traumatic brain injury lawyer from The Doan Law Firm fights to ensure that an injured person obtains the compensation to which he or she is entitled.
A traumatic brain injury lawyer from our firm is available at (800) 349-0000. You can schedule an initial consultation and case evaluation any time. As a nationwide law practice, we’ve dozens of offices across the country. In addition, you can schedule a virtual initial consultation online. There is no cost for an initial consultation.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee promise to all of our clients. We never charge an attorney fee unless we win for you.