Three sisters were enjoying a lazy afternoon in suburban Cleveland, Ohio, when tragedy struck. Two of the sisters were relaxing on a hammock tethered to a tree and a brick pillars at their family home. The girls were 14 and 12. Their younger sister was playing nearby.
While enjoying the hammock, the brick pillar suddenly collapsed for reasons yet to be identified by investigators. The pair of siblings on the hammock were immediately buried under the rubble from the collapsed brick pillar. The younger sister immediately placed a frantic call to 911.
The girls’ parents rushed to save their daughters. They desperately tried to free the girls from the pile of bricks under which they were buried because of the pillar collapse. The parents failed to free their daughters from the rubble.
Ultimately, emergency personnel arrived at the scene. They were able to extract the buried sisters from the rubble pile. The girls were transported to an area hospital where they were pronounced dead.
The investigation into what specifically happened in regard to the collapsed pillar and the death of the girls is ongoing. Investigators have noted that the incident fairly can be described as a proverbial “freak accident.” Nonetheless, accidents in which a hammock support like a post, pillar, or tree gives way is not unprecedented.
Another Hammock Accident in Minnesota
For example, about a year before the two girls were killed in the Ohio hammock accident, another tragic incident occurred in Minnesota. In this case, a young woman was relaxing on a hammock. The hammock was tethered to a tree. While enjoying herself, the tree connected to the hammock suddenly snapped in half and fell on top of the woman.
The accident left the woman unable to walk. After over a year of intensive physical rehabilitation, the woman began to experience a slow restoration of her ability to walk.
In the case of the hammock accident a year ago, investigators quickly discovered that there was a problem with the tree to which it was tethered. The core of the tree had rotted, creating an immediate hazard when the hammock was tied to it.
Hammock Safety Experts and Hammock Accidents
Although hammock accidents fortunately aren’t that commonplace, when they occur the results can be devastating – as the two cases illustrate. While there are instances in which the owner of a hammock is somehow negligent in setting it up, there are cases in which the manufacturer is to blame for a defect that caused an accident.
There are hammock design defects that are the causes of accidents every year. Accidents involving hammocks also occur every year because poor quality materials are used in the manufacture of these product. In addition, there are also cases in which the instructions that accompany a hammock are incorrect in one way or another, resulting in improper installation and ultimately an accident.
Protect Your Legal Rights after a Hammock or Patio Furniture Accident
If you or a loved on have been injured in an accident involving a hammock or some other type of patio furniture, you best protect your legal rights by promptly retaining the professional services of a qualified, experienced, tenacious personal injury lawyer, like a member of the legal team at The Doan Law Firm. The personal injury lawyer team at our firm is skilled in fighting to advance the rights of injured men, women, and children in even the more obscure and yet nonetheless tragic accident cases.
We’ve established a personal injury hotline at (800) 349-0000 that is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including all major holidays. A nationwide law firm, we can schedule an initial consultation for you with a qualified, committed personal injury attorney at anyone of our offices located across the country. We can also schedule a virtual consultation with you online. There is no charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm personal injury lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. Our firm never charged an attorney fee unless we win for you.