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The "New Normal" in the "Stay at Home" Weeks: Automobile – Pedestrian Accidents Likely to Rise


Life for people across the United States changed dramatically over the course of a matter of days. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, people from many walks of life are finding themselves generally confined to home except when they are out and about to accomplish essential task – and to walk or jog. Indeed, time and again, health experts and others encourage people to spend time out of doors, with walking or jogging being a prime recommendation. The one immediate caveat is that when people walk or jog, they need to maintain an appropriate “social distance.” At this time, that is a recommended six feet between individuals.

When a person is outside walking or jogging, an arguably more profound danger exists. Provided that an individual maintains a recommended social distance, avoids touching objects and then his or her face, and follows other COVID-19 defense protocols, the odds of contracting the coronavirus is slim to none. What remains a greater hazard is the prospect of an innocent walker or jogger being serious injured or even killed by a distracted, inattentive, inebriated, or intoxicated driver.

Automobile – Pedestrian Accidents and What to Expect Today

Statistics surrounding automobile – pedestrian accidents are stunning. Annually, about 5,000 pedestrians are killed after being struck by a motor vehicle, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association. Approximately 76,000 pedestrians are injured in accidents involving motor vehicles – and oftentimes, very seriously.

As an aside, although automobile – pedestrian accidents are anticipated to rise in coming weeks, there are other types of incidents that result in injuries to walkers and joggers as well. These include:

  • Poor Maintenance of Sidewalks
  • Parking Lot Defects
  • Construction Site Accident (Like Debris Falling From a Scaffold Onto a Pedestrian Walkway)

A motorist has a legal duty to exercise reasonable care when behind the wheel of a vehicle. Some of the most common examples of a driving not exercising appropriate reasonable care when driving include:

  • Distracted Driving
  • Speeding
  • Failing to Yield the Right of Way to Pedestrians
  • Disobeying Traffic Signals or Signs
  • Failing to Signal While Turning
  • Disregarding Weather or Traffic Conditions
  • Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol

There are some circumstances when a pedestrian might bear some level of negligence. If that is the case, a motorist is not automatically relieved of responsibility for his or her negligence. An experienced pedestrian accident injury lawyer can explain to you why a motorist may be responsible for compensating a walker or jogger for injuries even when a pedestrian may have been somewhat careless as well.

Most Common Injuries to a Pedestrian Victim

A pedestrian can be injured in a myriad of different ways in an accident caused by a motor vehicle driver. More often than not, a pedestrian is likely to sustain multiple types of injuries in this type of accidents. With that said, the most common injuries suffered by a pedestrian when in an accident with an automobile include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Broken Bones
  • Damage to Internal Organs
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Puncture Wounds
  • Ripped or Cut Skin
  • Skin Tears
  • Road Abrasion (Commonly Called Roadrash)
  • Emotional or Psychological Injury

Unfortunately, oftentimes following an automobile accident that results in injuries, a pedestrian will suffer the physical and emotional consequences of the incident into the future. For example, an injured pedestrian may be in need of ongoing medical care and treatment, include physical and occupational rehabilitation, for an extended period of time. A pedestrian may be unable to return to work for an indefinite time period. A walker or jogger may suffer permanent disability or disfigurement. All of these represent example of injuries, damages, and losses for which a pedestrian may be entitled to appropriate compensation.

Protecting Your Legal Rights after an Automobile – Pedestrian Accident

If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian of accident of some nature, the time is now to fully protect your legal rights. Protecting your vital legal interests can begin today by scheduling a case analysis with an experienced, tenacious pedestrian accident injury lawyer from The Doan Law Firm at (800) 349-0000. Our injury hotline is staffed around the clock, 24 hours a day. There is no charge for an initial consultation.

The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee promise to you. We never charge a fee unless we win for you.