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Pedestrian Hit by SUV on Florida Roadway and then Run Over by Two Responding Sheriff’s Cars


An automobile pedestrian accident reminiscent of a motion picture occurred over the weekend in Tampa, Florida, during the early morning hours of Sunday, October 11, 2020. A yet to be identified man was crossing West Hillsborough Avenue in Tampa near George Road in Tampa at about 4:00 a.m. The stretch of roadway at which the man was making an attempt to cross is unlight.

As the man was attempting to make the crossing, he was struck by an oncoming SUV. The driver of the SUV immediately stopped and called 911 to seek emergency assistance for the struck pedestrian.

A pair of Hillsborough County Sheriff’s deputies in separate squad cars were dispatched to the scene of the pedestrian accident. Upon arriving at the site of the initial automobile-pedestrian accident, not one but both of the sheriff’s department vehicles separately ran over the man on the roadway. The pedestrian was dead at the scene.

Because of the involvement of two sheriff’s deputies in the incident, the Florida Highway Patrol has been assigned to the investigation. As of Sunday afternoon, officials of the Florida Highway Patrol had issued only one real statement about the fatal pedestrian accident. Investigators initially concluded that the pedestrian was killed when he was struck by the SUV. Evidently, the man was already dead when he was runover twice by the pair of Hillsborough County sheriff’s deputies.

With that said, the body of the pedestrian has been taken to the Hillsborough County coroner’s office for an autopsy and related forensics examination to try and pinpoint the precise time of death and which vehicle is most likely the cause. The coroner is expected to be able to confirm whether or not the initial pronouncement that the pedestrian was killed by the first vehicle that struck him or by one or another of the two sheriff’s vehicles that ran over him later.

As of this time, there has been no report that anyone involved in the accident was intoxicated or impaired. Determining whether alcohol or drugs were involved in any manner with the tragic accident is thought to be part of the ongoing investigation into the accident.

According officials with the Florida Highway Patrol, the only known witness to the accident is the driver of the SUV that initially struck the pedestrian. Due to the time of night, investigators do not expect any additional witnesses to the accident to come forward. There has been no time frame put forward the highway patrol as to when more information might be available or as to when the investigation itself is expected to be wrapped up.

The roadway was shut down in both directions for a few hours following the accident. By mid-morning, the roadway opened for use by motorists in both directions.

While the circumstances surrounding the Tampa automobile-pedestrian accident are unique in the sense that three vehicles hit the man, car and pedestrian accident actually are alarmingly commonplace in the United States. Approximately 16 percent of all traffic-related accidents are pedestrians who are struck by motor vehicles.

A pedestrian in the U.S.A. dies in a traffic accident approximately once every 1.5 hours. A pedestrian is injured in an accident involving a motor vehicle about once every 7.5 minutes. Tens of thousands of pedestrians are brought to emergency departments each year. Over 5,000 pedestrians are killed in accidents involving motor vehicles annually.

If you’ve lost a family member in a tragic automobile-pedestrian accident, or if you’ve been injured in this type of accident, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here to assist you. You can connect with our firm any time of the day or night by calling our injury hotline at (800) 349-0000.

A nationwide law firm, we can arrange an initial consultation and case evaluation for you with an experienced pedestrian accident injury lawyer. We’ve offices from coast to coast. In addition, we can arrange a virtual appointment for you online if you prefer. There is never a charge for an initial consultation and case evaluation with a Doan Law Firm pedestrian accident injury lawyer.

The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. Our firm never charges an attorney fee unless we win for you.