The number of Texas university fraternities facing suspension has grown by two during the past week. Two such Greek organizations at Abilene Christian University have been suspended as the result of fraternity hazing allegations. Galaxy and Gamma Sigma Phi are the two groups that are now suspended because of reported fraternity hazing incidents.
Little information has been released by ACU as of this time. What is known is that the university launched an immediate investigation into reports of fraternity hazing arising out of Galaxy and Gamma Sigma Phi. The pair of fraternities have been suspended indefinitely while ACU administration investigates allegations of hazing that apparently occurred during pledge events held only last month.
The possibility does exist that one or another or even both fraternal organizations might end up exonerated and the suspensions would be lifted at that time. Based on historical precedent associated with other Texas fraternity hazing incidents, a determination that this type of misconduct did occur is likely to be the final result of the official investigation. When that happens, a more definitive timeline is apt to be put in place regarding suspension.
There is one caveat associated with the suspensions attached to the two ACU fraternities. Members of both organizations will be permitted to participate in intramural sports during the course of the current suspension.
University administrative officials issued a terse, concise statement in regard to the fraternity hazing reports:
“We have been notified of hazing allegations that reportedly occurred between January 9 and 29. We have launched an immediate investigation. In the meantime, we have suspended all activities of the two fraternities in question. Hazing is illegal, against our student code of conduct, and we do not tolerate it.”
Dr. Tamara Long, ACU vice president for enrollment and student life, sent an email to all members of both of the fraternities. In the direct communication, Long stated: “Hazing is illegal, against our student code of conduct, and we do not tolerate it.” The email reiterates the no-tolerance for fraternity hazing that is in place at ACU as well as at colleges and universities across the Lone Star State and throughout the United States.
After the suspension was announced, the president of Galaxy refused to comment. The president of Gamma Sigma Phi could not be reached.
The investigation into the ACU fraternity hazing will be multifaceted and comprehensive. It will include interviewing students who are members of each of the organizations alleged to have been involved in fraternity hazing.
As of February 8, 2021, there had been no reports of students having been injured during any of the pledge-related fraternity hazing. That does not mean that pledges or others were not injured during the hazing rituals. The stark reality is that each and every year students are injured and even killed in fraternity hazing incidents.
If you’ve been injured in a fraternity hazing incident, the Texas-based Doan Law Firm is here for you. We’ve offices located across the state of Texas and all of our phone lines are staffed around the clock, 365 days a year:
Abilene – (325) 307-0000
Amarillo – (806) 590-0000
Austin – (512) 806-0000
Bryan – (979) 803-0000
Corpus Christi – (361) 371-0000
Dallas – (214) 307-0000
El Paso – (915) 201-0000
Fort Worth – (817) 935-0000
Houston – (832) 835-0000
Lubbock – (806) 557-0000
McAllen – (956) 415-0000
Midland – (432) 653-0000
San Antonio – (210) 904-0000
Waco – (254) 615-0000
We are a nationwide law firm, with 40 offices located across the country. In addition to reaching out to any one of our local Texas offices, we also maintain a national fraternity hazing hotline at (800) 349-0000.
We can schedule an initial consultation and case evaluation with a skilled, experienced fraternity hazing lawyer any time that is convenient for you. In addition to meeting with you at any one of our offices, we can also schedule a virtual case evaluation with you online. There is never a charge for an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm fraternity hazing lawyer.
The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. We never charge an attorney fee unless we win for you. The legal team at The Doan Law Firm is committed to fighting to win big for you.